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Best North America Hunting/Long Range caliber.

It was off hornady, drops I had . One on jbm had 2825 200 nab 1400 e @600. 325wsm, my books show 325 taking a few grains more powder than 300 wsm for compressed and max loads. I only own one 30 and I just had it handed to m e30-30 pre 64, so I am not up on 30 ca.:)
What load does it do that with, and do you shoot once and throw brass away? I am just curious, because I am shooting almost same thing, and I HAVE 1341 E @ 600. If you shoot a 340 wm W/225 nab it is 2023 E @ 600, more bullet 10 gr. more case capacity? Shot that for almost 25 years. I just always see alot of talk of 300 WSM being a 1000 yrd gun and elk mentioned in same post?

Easy there bud. I'm not saying the 300WSM is Gods gift to LR shootin. The guy already has a 338 RUM, & a 270WSM already. What better way to fill the gap between the two? I mentioned if he wanted to fling bigger projectiles that the win, Wby, & RUM would be much better choices.
I also NEVER mentioned 1k AND I also stated that if he wanted to bust brownies at 800 then USE THE 338RUM he already has.
If you took the time to read what I wrote before you went off, you'd see that. You could probably also see that I was writing my post as LTLR's post was posted. I didn't see his till I hit the submit button on mine. I'm in agreement with both of you for LR on big *** critters. Use a 338 (something adequate not some 7mm cause it looks good on paper)
For an all round rifle anywhere I hunt, I prefer a 300, but I don't shoot past 800, & that was the only range stated that I saw.
If someone wants to fling Bergers, there are a few 30 cal bullets out there that blow the doors off of that 8mm Shortmag at most any range on paper. I don't fling Bergers tho.
Like many folks, you & LTLR included, I like tough bullets for big critters. That usually puts me in or around the 800yd & less range for 1800fps with my Accubonds with the cartriges I shoot.
I have a 338 win too, but it never gets any use, cause its a clip fed Browning A-Bolt. Nothing to do with the caliber. It just doesn't fit my style of hunting. You even offered to give it a good home a couple years ago:D Remember?
I understand your frusteration with folks preaching "Pea shooters" for long range on big game. I hate that too. But a 300WSM is almost identicle to a 300win, & even beats it by 50 fps avg. with 180's, & 190's in some load books (Hornady 7th edition) with the win mag listed as having a 25" barrel, & the WSM having a 24. I also mentioned a 26" barrel specifically, because of some load data for 26" pipes (Nosler). For flingin 180-190 pills its pretty dang impressive, & cost less to shoot for the same or better performance than the 300 win with those bullets. While it doesn't have the 1500 ft lbs at 800, its certainly up to the task of filling the gap between the 338RUM, & 270WSM he already has.
What load does it do that with, and do you shoot once and throw brass away? I am just curious, because I am shooting almost same thing, and I HAVE 1341 E @ 600. If you shoot a 340 wm W/225 nab it is 2023 E @ 600, more bullet 10 gr. more case capacity? Shot that for almost 25 years. I just always see alot of talk of 300 WSM being a 1000 yrd gun and elk mentioned in same post?

One of my recent loads is the 230 Berger in Norma brass,7828 SSC, 2700 fps. Delivers 2033 ft/lbs to 600 yards at sea level. At my hunting altitude it will carry 2027 ft lbs to 775 yards.

I'm not intending to toot any horns here, but people have discounted the 300 WSM with heavies for years. As it turns out, the 300 WSM is quite capable with the right combination of components, just like anything else.
0-250 yards 35 Whelen

250-750 yards or so 7mm STW

750 to longer than I am confident 338 Lapua

Back up 41 Magnum revolver

all around under 1000 yards, 300 Win Mag
I agree with the others....you are set for rifles. I remember an old sying " beware the man who has only one gun....he propbably knows how to use it".....it sounds like you are getting better optics, that would be my next step.

If you still got money to burn, spend it on a very good rangefinder, I just got a Vectronix Terrapin as an upgrade from my swaro's.........
Vectronix > HOME
A properly loaded 270 WSM is about an ideal all around chambering, the only thing that throws it is including brown bear but most of use will never have the opportunity to take a brown bear or if we do it would be the kind of deal that I would buy a rifle specifically for that.
I dig the 270 WSM loaded with Matrix bullets and the 338 RUM/Lapua/Edge with a 300gr OTM. At my elk hunting elevation my WSM hits 800 yards at 2152 fps with 1800 ft lbs of energy which is ample to wack and stack an elk with room to spare, my 338 RUM hits 800 yards with 2085 fps and 2800 ft lbs of energy. Both will blow an ample hole through an elk but the 338 does it with more flair and if big bears were consistently on the menu or the shooting over 1100 yards I would have a 338 in hand!!
can you give me some specifics on how your wsm is is getting over 200# of energy at 800 yards.
A 7 RM shooting the 180's has only got 2000# of energy at 700 yards, 5000' altitude, 3000fps
One of my recent loads is the 230 Berger in Norma brass,7828 SSC, 2700 fps. Delivers 2033 ft/lbs to 600 yards at sea level. At my hunting altitude it will carry 2027 ft lbs to 775 yards.

I'm not intending to toot any horns here, but people have discounted the 300 WSM with heavies for years. As it turns out, the 300 WSM is quite capable with the right combination of components, just like anything else.
That is very interesting and thanks for the info, I figured it was a high gr and Bc Berger.
Didn't mean to stir the pot with the posting but great conversations/information. I do not plan on Brown Bear hunting anytime soon. I do not have the $$$ for that right now but it is on my "Bucket" list. Along with Cape Buffalo (will need a 375 H&H minimum for that) I live in Rockwall Tx and hunt in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah. Mostly Elk and Mule deer. But I am a firm believer in investing in the best you can afford. Buy once and you are done.

I have been shooting Accubonds for a long time but was curious on the other high BC bullets out there. Anything worth looking at? Accubond is .496 for .270 140 gr. and .550 on 338 225 gr. I might move up to 250 gr. at .575 for the 338 but not sure yet.
Didn't mean to stir the pot with the posting but great conversations/information. I do not plan on Brown Bear hunting anytime soon. I do not have the $$$ for that right now but it is on my "Bucket" list. Along with Cape Buffalo (will need a 375 H&H minimum for that) I live in Rockwall Tx and hunt in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah. Mostly Elk and Mule deer. But I am a firm believer in investing in the best you can afford. Buy once and you are done.

I have been shooting Accubonds for a long time but was curious on the other high BC bullets out there. Anything worth looking at? Accubond is .496 for .270 140 gr. and .550 on 338 225 gr. I might move up to 250 gr. at .575 for the 338 but not sure yet.

I almost asked if the brown bear was a bucket list item, I know it is mine, hopefully my daughter will get a high paying job and decide the old man needs to hunt Alaska :D
I wore out my first 270 WSM barrel with Accubonds and shot a few deer and elk with the 140's, great bullet but when you shoot the same animals with one of the higher BC Matrix or the soon to come 170 Berger you soon see the 140's are frankly just sad and almost a waste of a great chambering!! Same goes for the 338, speed is cool to see but when you drop the 300 grainer on them it is just, WOW! I own and shoot both and I'm very content with my 270 WSM at 800 yards on elk and see no reason I need anything different other than I enjoy the 338's as well. I much prefer my 270 WSM over the 300 WBY before it!!
can you give me some specifics on how your wsm is is getting over 200# of energy at 800 yards.
A 7 RM shooting the 180's has only got 2000# of energy at 700 yards, 5000' altitude, 3000fps

I'm shooting a 175gr .700 BC bullet at 3014 fps, Baro of 23.4 and temp of 36 degrees which was a typical afternoon shot this hunting season. Your looking at my impact velocity, my energy is at 1800ft lbs. At 5000ft elevation at 700 yards I'm hitting 2214 fps and 1905 ft lbs of energy. Slightly less if I shoot the 165gr bullet with a .650 BC at 3053fps, but it still cleans and elks clock out past 800 yards with ease!!!
Got it, thanks.
Berger's new bullet will sure bring new life into the 270 cal. It will be very interesting to see range reports on this one.
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