What load does it do that with, and do you shoot once and throw brass away? I am just curious, because I am shooting almost same thing, and I HAVE 1341 E @ 600. If you shoot a 340 wm W/225 nab it is 2023 E @ 600, more bullet 10 gr. more case capacity? Shot that for almost 25 years. I just always see alot of talk of 300 WSM being a 1000 yrd gun and elk mentioned in same post?
Easy there bud. I'm not saying the 300WSM is Gods gift to LR shootin. The guy already has a 338 RUM, & a 270WSM already. What better way to fill the gap between the two? I mentioned if he wanted to fling bigger projectiles that the win, Wby, & RUM would be much better choices.
I also NEVER mentioned 1k AND I also stated that if he wanted to bust brownies at 800 then USE THE 338RUM he already has.
If you took the time to read what I wrote before you went off, you'd see that. You could probably also see that I was writing my post as LTLR's post was posted. I didn't see his till I hit the submit button on mine. I'm in agreement with both of you for LR on big *** critters. Use a 338 (something adequate not some 7mm cause it looks good on paper)
For an all round rifle anywhere I hunt, I prefer a 300, but I don't shoot past 800, & that was the only range stated that I saw.
If someone wants to fling Bergers, there are a few 30 cal bullets out there that blow the doors off of that 8mm Shortmag at most any range on paper. I don't fling Bergers tho.
Like many folks, you & LTLR included, I like tough bullets for big critters. That usually puts me in or around the 800yd & less range for 1800fps with my Accubonds with the cartriges I shoot.
I have a 338 win too, but it never gets any use, cause its a clip fed Browning A-Bolt. Nothing to do with the caliber. It just doesn't fit my style of hunting. You even offered to give it a good home a couple years ago
I understand your frusteration with folks preaching "Pea shooters" for long range on big game. I hate that too. But a 300WSM is almost identicle to a 300win, & even beats it by 50 fps avg. with 180's, & 190's in some load books (Hornady 7th edition) with the win mag listed as having a 25" barrel, & the WSM having a 24. I also mentioned a 26" barrel specifically, because of some load data for 26" pipes (Nosler). For flingin 180-190 pills its pretty dang impressive, & cost less to shoot for the same or better performance than the 300 win with those bullets. While it doesn't have the 1500 ft lbs at 800, its certainly up to the task of filling the gap between the 338RUM, & 270WSM he already has.