I never said I or my kids lost 50% of the deer shot with 100gr bullets. But, the camp did. My kids never shot one with a 100gr bullet. I got enough experience chasing the ones shot by my Dad with a 6MM Rem and a friend shooting a .243 in more open country to know better than to try them in the pine thickets. They will almost always go 50-100yds even shot well. Sometimes they will fall in their tracks but not usually. You will lose them if shooting in knee deep flooded green timber duck woods or in the pine thickets in South Arkansas. We hunted both. They leave pitiful blood trails usually too. We never lost one with the 55's, and they killed a sack full when they were little. We also never lost one with the bigger guns and the low recoil loads. We had really good luck with the .308 and 130gr Sierras. Guess shooting single shot pistol bullets at the top of their usable velocity isn't a good idea either according to you. Several folks on here that hunt exclusively with single shot pistols would disagree. By the time my girls were 12 they were shooting a .308 with 165gr Gamekings and a brake. On their 16th birthday they both got a new rifle. One chose a .270 WSM and the other confiscated my 7MM WSM. They hunt Beanfields now and both have killed killed deer a long ways away. I really don't know even know why I'm telling you all this. Your mind is closed to things you have never tried.