Berger VLD's, not impressed so far.

My 6mm-284 has a 10 twist 26" Shaw and it would not stabilize the 105 Bergers even when I pushed them hard. I think Berger recommends an 8 twist.

Tyler I've tried the 95's in my 6mm Rem. and it doesn't like them either. I tried several seating depths and a few powders but nothing worked out to my satisfaction. Some rifles just don't like some bullets. Usually if I don't find something that shows promise after a few different loads I will just move on to another bullet. I don't like wasting a lot of time on something that won't work. A lot of the times if you do find a load that will work it will be so finicky that you can't trust it in all conditions or at least thats been my experience.

I couldn't get the 190 gr. VLD to shoot worth a crap in my .300 WM Sako 75 with Lilja barrel. Tried all kinds of seating arrangements. This rifle just seems to do better with lighter bullets, so I might give the 168 a try at some point.
Shot some today. Mixed results. The same loads that were fine on pressures two days ago dropped primers out of the cases on 2 of the first 3 shots. I went in and loaded 3 cases with one grain less powder. Pressure was fine, and the group was better! It measures .199 C-T-C! Went in and loaded 15 more with 48 grains powder just touching the lands. Next group was fired by the bench shooter guy, .967? I shot the next group, .647. Then the bench shooter shot a amazing 5 shot group, .357 C-T-C! I fired one more at .305 for 3 shots, then 2 more offhand just for fun. I adjusted my scope after group 3 so I could keep track of shots better. I'm not sure why my groups are so inconsistant, I let my gun cool for a long time between groups, and didn't fire off my groups right in a row. Maybe my brass is at fault?



I've been trying the 105 Bergers out of my .243 AI with about the same group size you are getting. They are touching the lands also. I've also shot (fireform) some 95gr BT's and they shoot under 1/2" at 100 and right about 1/2" at 200. You might try some of those out too.

I'll also load some 105's up into the lands and see what happens. I'm curious if if works for you...

You posted your results the same time I posted.

They actually look like a pretty good improvement from before. What was the range?
I'll try some into the lands further soon. Shotgun events going on tomorrow, then busy for two weeks. It sucks I wasted about $15 of bullets so far.
Only 100 yards. I shot a couple at 200 on a curled up target. It was impossible to get to the 200 yard stand due to 4" of rain last night, but results didn't looks so hot, although it was very hard to see exactly what holes were mine. They sure didn't drop into the center though, no holes there. Sighting in dead on shouldn't be very low at 200 at all. The other night 48 grains powder didn't look promising, now it shoots very well every other group...I'm about fed up with this barrel.
you cant get mad at your barrel. you are starting to see results. i shoot a 6x47lapua for f class and i am shooting 105 berger vlds with h4350. i was having a heck of a time getting those bullets to shoot. i actually pulled the gun completly apart. and put it back together after cleaning everything. i then had it re bedded.

after that i started my loading again. i was also only shooing at 100 yards. so i was able to go and do load work up with nate at straight shot gunsmithing. i shot at 100 yards and results were about 1/2 to 3/4 but when we started shooting that same load at the 600 yard results were excellant. 1/2 easy if i was doing my part. that same load i shot at our last f class and we shot 15 scored shot and scored a 148 with 4x's out of a possible 150. shoot farther...

If i were you i would take you 48 grain load and start with the one that looks the best. then make 7 reloads of each seating depth. seating them .005, .010, .015 further out. then go and shoot 3 shot groups and see what you get. watch for your pressure.this way you can shoot (2) 3 shot groups and if you get a bad break on one you have a spare.

then go back and reload 10-15 more of them and go shoot 5 shot groups to make sure that they are consistant. if they dont shoot after this change bullets or powder.
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