Berger Hybrid Expansion Test @ 1180 yds

That rifle has a Broughton 5C and we are .005 Off the lamds.


Thanks a lot. I am doing load development for the Berger 210 and was getting 1.2" groups at 100 yards with 78.5 gr of H1000 at .008 off the lands (Kreiger 24"). With the SGK 200's I was getting .38" 5 shot groups at 100 yards, .010" off the lands. I ran across a thread at Berger that Berger recommends .030-.040" off the lands. I am waiting for the rain to clear so I can do a ladder test at 200 yards with 3 shots each at .030, .035, & .040" to see if that tightens up the group. Hurricanes are such an inconvenience!
Thanks again for your inputs.
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I am one of those guys that does not believe in wasting bullets at 100 yards. I have personally seen loads that shot 1" at 100 and still 1" at 300. Some might have scrapped that load looking for the illusive same hole group at 100.

Is your Krieger a 4 land barrel? I am removing one of these that I was not happy with shooting 210's. Not saying it was Kreiger fault, could have been other things too. But a Broughton 5C is going back on.

78 gr of H-1000 is a pretty stout load especially close to the lands. Most of the 300s I have loaded 210 Bergers in were happy between 74 and 77gr of H-1000.

Hope this helps ya a little, good luck!

Broz, I looked down the barrel and decided I could not count that way, so I took a 210 Berger dropped it in then tapped some with my Tipton cleaning rod. I then tapped it out with the Tipton cleaning rod and counted the marks on the leading edge of the ogive. I got 8 land marks, does that sound right?
On the powder charge I have no over pressure signs and I am at about 2900 fps. at 15' with my CED M2.
I've found that a folded up piece of berber carpet will really capture things at the end of the box. especially when they have expanded and have some jagged edges. "kind of like a bullet proof vest" Good post Jeff........Rich
mmmooretx, were the 8 land marks equally spaced or did you have 4 pairs of marks equally spaced?
Broz, I looked down the barrel and decided I could not count that way, so I took a 210 Berger dropped it in then tapped some with my Tipton cleaning rod. I then tapped it out with the Tipton cleaning rod and counted the marks on the leading edge of the ogive. I got 8 land marks, does that sound right?
On the powder charge I have no over pressure signs and I am at about 2900 fps. at 15' with my CED M2.

You must be getting a mark from each side of the lands. I am betting it is a 4 land barrel. Your velocity sounds pretty close for a 24" barrel and 78.5 gr of H-1000. I feel you are close to or a bit over max though. So you may want to keep that in mind for hot weather shooting or further development.

Broz, that's my thinking to 4 pairs or marks =4 groove. Can't imagine it being 8.
You must be getting a mark from each side of the lands. I am betting it is a 4 land barrel. Your velocity sounds pretty close for a 24" barrel and 78.5 gr of H-1000. I feel you are close to or a bit over max though. So you may want to keep that in mind for hot weather shooting or further development.


Jeff, I see what you are saying however each one I counted was a bright band/indenture with two sides and dull non touched copper in-between each of the bright eight bands. It might be possible for the bullet to have bounced giving two sets of four, but they were equally spaced. I am not familiar with Kreigers build standards so I cannot say for sure. I do know it is a 1:10 twist.

I agree on the powder. I have checked several load sources and the max I found for a 300 Win Mag. was 79 grains. I plan on stepping back 2 gr. and going up in .3 gr. steps to do another ladder test looking for a better node for the Bergers. The best grouping I got from the range today was .040 off the lands so I think I will hold that and drop back to 76 gr. of H1000 and build up in .3 gr. increments to see if I can hit a node along that path. Houston is hot right now too.
Thanks Jeff.
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