First are 3 grove BBLs tough on bullets? I need a new Barrel for my 6x284 currently I have a Hart and its about shot out? I was thinking of a Cut rifled BBL but speaking to this staff person at Bench Mark barrels has me thinking?
First are 3 grove BBLs tough on bullets? I need a new Barrel for my 6x284 currently I have a Hart and its about shot out? I was thinking of a Cut rifled BBL but speaking to this staff person at Bench Mark barrels has me thinking?
Yep , their should be alot of info in the search files , I remember Kirby Allen doing some test and such with his Allen mags , If I rememer correctly he had Lilja make some barrel that used thinned lands or somthing for his hot 257 or 270 for use with the realy long Wildcat bullets
IronWorker is talking about an 8 twist, I'd cal that a fast twist. He also is talking about a 6-284 with High BC bullets driven fast.
That is some really helpful information. I've got no money to waste. Any how I sent a PM to Kirby and have not received a reply . Maybe he's hunting or is backed up business wise. I want him to install the 6 groove 9"twist Lilja bbl. If he can't take the work any other gun smith do you all recommend?