belted magnum FL dies

None of mine have a recess inside the die for the belt. RCBS & Redding both, in .264WM, 7RM, .300WM, .338WM The die body just sizes down to the top of the belt.
Well, got home and pulled dies out for a few belted mags (RCBS 7RM & Redding .300WM), and low and behold, they both have a recess for the belt. Checked my Redding 6.5SLR and Hornady 6.5CM dies, no recess.
It's not uncommon to get .014 to .016 shoulder bump with belted case dies set to cam. .003 shoulder bump is what I have my gunsmith shoot for when I have a rifle chambered. With the two 300 WBY's I have camming a RCBS and Forester die gives between .013 and .016 on the rifles. One is a custom barrel I had done years ago and one is factory barrel. Having your die and chamber matched that good is rare.
My dies don't have a recess. The belt is a leftover from the parent case used as a marketing gimmick used to sell guns and does absolutely nothing but prevent the die from fully resizing the case. This die was developed to fix that problem:

The recess in your die may be a new thing to address the belt problem.
do all belted mag dies have a ring or lip inside the base of the die? If so, is that a limit to headspace?
No the die goes down and stops just before the belt. You can see it on the brass. Disregard the belt and set the die up to only bump the shoulder back 2 thou like any other cartridge. As stated above. Dont over-cam like RCBS states, thats completely wrong. Shoulder bump determines sizing dies set up/height. When people listen to RCBS and do the slight over-cam and their headspace is longer they over size their brass. Causing poor accuracy, brass fatigue and end up with case head separation. I can get as many reloads from my 7mag or 300 wm as any other cartridge. People talk bad about belted mags when its really incorrect resizing.
It's not uncommon to get .014 to .016 shoulder bump with belted case dies set to cam. .003 shoulder bump is what I have my gunsmith shoot for when I have a rifle chambered. With the two 300 WBY's I have camming a RCBS and Forester die gives between .013 and .016 on the rifles. One is a custom barrel I had done years ago and one is factory barrel. Having your die and chamber matched that good is rare.
^^ this
When I first set my 7stw RCBS to hit the shell holder and split cases after a cpl firings I discovered it was pushing back .015.

Best money I've spent was on a competition die set and competition shell holder set. If those are too expensive, get the larry willis collet die linked above if you are having sizing issues above the belt; it works as advertised.
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My dies don't have a recess. The belt is a leftover from the parent case used as a marketing gimmick used to sell guns and does absolutely nothing but prevent the die from fully resizing the case. This die was developed to fix that problem:

The recess in your die may be a new thing to address the belt problem.
Please enlighten us on exactly which dies you have that do not have a recess for the belt to enter the die....cuz I ain't ever seen a belted die that didn't....not a FL or body die at least. Comp seaters don't, they do not require it.

You cannot change the headspace on the belt, it is adjacent to the solid part of the case head.
All belted dies I own have the recess for the belt. RCBS, Redding, Forster and Lyman.
The recess is not designed to touch the belt, but is there to allow the case to enter far enough that the expansion line is sized and the shoulder bumped.
The .003" you're getting with a slight cam over is good, I would back it off to .002" and set it and forget it.

I second that. The die is supposed too do just that and no more.
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