They don't know what they're talking about, or don't know how to properly resize belted cases, or they have cheap junky dies. They're regurgitating some mindless drivel that someone once spewed onto the interwebz, and now it's gone mainstream stupid-matrix.
Dang Mud, nothing PC about your reply but you are dead on !!!!
It is to bad that people believe some of the things they read on the Internet but sadly they do. All of us responsible shooters and re loaders should or can do is try to debunk such statements and hope the lessons are learned.
The debate over belted or none has been going on for many years and will never be resolved until people understand why cartridges have a particular case design.
The difference in belted cases and rimed cases are just as profound and with all of the different ways to head space any cartridge, why don't we see controversy over or between them.
There are belted cases, shouldered cases, rimed cases, semi rimed cases, rebated rimed cases, rimless cases, cases that head space on the case mouth, ETC all of them have a reason for the way they head space and the designers plans for it's use.
If you look at each method of head spacing and the reasons, you will often find that it has merit and in many ways an improvement over other designs.
Belted designs are one of those that has many advantages and few if any disadvantages. There are however different ways and procedures required for them like any other cartridge. so when someone tells me that Belted cases are bad or have to many problems, I just consider the person to be uninformed and not experienced in reloading.