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Behind enemy lines in CA. Need to escape. Need help

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I'm likely an anomaly here - I'm a total liberal, but I love guns, shoot, reload, carry, and hunt. Don't fish so much because I currently live in the mountains and don't care for freshwater fish. Mostly me and my liberal gun friends just want to be left alone. My biggest issue ie people. Every where I go, there's more and more. Last bow-hunt I had there were hikers, mountain bikers, wood cutters, and grazing permit cattle everywhere even after a day's hike into a wilderness area. Long gone are the days that I could hunt public land anywhere and never see another person. That said, my vote is for Wyoming or northern Idaho, although the more time I spend in Texas, it looks like I just may decide to retire there.

Here's the deal and in my opinion, the reason why many Americans have no logic in their arguments, due to absolutism in the way they communicate... this person says they are a "total liberal." I would challenge that as false, if I contend that you are actually a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE. In my book, I could care less about most left or right leanings but I am a strict fiscal conservative. Similarly, I laugh when those that call themselves, broadly, conservatives, when they are neck deep in debt or talk about socialism and welfare when still accepting social security or farm subsidies.

More to the point, gotta love the RV idea. I just spent 6k on a nice used A Liner popup and can't wait to check out Alaska. It's like having a vacation cabin wherever you want it.
I'm a constitutional Christian conservative that has had to live in some challenging locals the last being New York.

I am relocating to ID.

I will never give up standing against evil. Anything that tries to steal my inalienable rights is Evil. Socialism and Progressivism are two sides of the same coin. If an individual takes my money or tries to impede my rights or choices, it's theft or evil. If a group votes to do it, it's still the same. They simply have peer support in their wrongful act.

I feel that gathering more like minded conservatives is always a good thing. There will always be opposition.

However, as Jefferson said:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure," Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787
Okay...serious solutions......fence in the big cities...no one out...
The rest of the country can stay rural and free of idiocracy....well almost free of it.....we have to have our fun too.....
When I was married...we moved to se idaho in hopes of living...on internet there were all kinds of properties with 50 acres and decent houses....sold out(lost butt) in Oregon and moved.....those listed properties were not available and hadn't been on the market for a long time.....can you say deception.....actually had to move into a culdesac full of house in idaho...last thing i wanted to do......
If you are to move..better make sure of your places to see...
If I were to move here right now being retired(which for me will never happen) I would look very seriously at Mountainhome...25 miles south of Boise....nice area..close to big city hospitals...and a nice growing small community......
If you can handle Oregon.....look at the Lapine area on Hwy 97....south of Bend....access to high cascade lakes and much more.....
The Idaho dream is for those with more than $1million$ in the savings. Everyone else lives in the tract and drives by the no tresspass signs on the way to hunt the same gulch as all the nonresident hunters who were sold one of the very many tags available with a small amount of time and animals available to fill it.

The time to move to Idaho was back when Randy Weaver did.....
IMO ID is now a purple state. Look at the last election race and you'll see why I say that. And since they got UCSB President now at Boise State the progression towards blue state will come faster. WY or UT would where I'd look.
Okay, I will just own this fact that I am a 4th gen Californian, but all generations have been Reagan style conservatives and are from rural CA. With that said, I just retired from Law enforcement and am looking for a safe semi rural place to raise my family. Gun rights are paramount, good big game hunting, and the ability to be left alone. I mind my own business, and don't ever want to turn the place i move to into California. Every state I look at, it seems they are not far from becoming blue. I lived in NV and would not even consider it now since the libs have a super majority there, with Reno and Vegas controlling the state.
I was born and grew up in South Texas and travel to Texas a-lot . Now wouldn't want to live there per say-it has changed dramatically -very crowded, high traffic, land prices high. The San Antonio to WACO corridor is crazy now. About the only place to consider in Texas would be Fort Worth area. However, take a look at Eastern Oklahoma, Eastern Kansas and NW Arkansas. Not crowded, land (large tracts) & home prices very reasonable, pay excellent. Lower cost of living. Guns are welcomed. Quality of life great. Landscape certainly not the richness of CA, but they have uniqueness of their own. NW AR is in the Ozark "mountains", Eastern Kansas has the Flint Hills (very rugged terrain) and Tulsa area is very nice.
Lady friend(used fo be) of mine in Palm desert..worked at Indian springs resort....said she loved the area and all the people in it...the mix was awesome....
That's why she moved into a gated community....against guns...fights for animal rights groups...
Overall.....an.....IDIOT.....havent spoken in quite some time....but that's the intellect.....can we call it the democratic intellect....how about the PELOSI SYNDROME....allow everything to happen as long as your gate is closed and locked......
Okay, I will just own this fact that I am a 4th gen Californian, but all generations have been Reagan style conservatives and are from rural CA. With that said, I just retired from Law enforcement and am looking for a safe semi rural place to raise my family. Gun rights are paramount, good big game hunting, and the ability to be left alone. I mind my own business, and don't ever want to turn the place i move to into California. Every state I look at, it seems they are not far from becoming blue. I lived in NV and would not even consider it now since the libs have a super majority there, with Reno and Vegas controlling the state.

I live in Texas, which is still conservative outside of the inner cities. In the Panhandle we support freedom and have the friendliest people on earth. The downside is that we sometimes have rough weather and a lot of wind.

You might take a look at Oklahoma. Not one county in the state went blue in the last several elections. It is gun friendly, conservative and has a decent cost of living.
Okay, I will just own this fact that I am a 4th gen Californian, but all generations have been Reagan style conservatives and are from rural CA. With that said, I just retired from Law enforcement and am looking for a safe semi rural place to raise my family. Gun rights are paramount, good big game hunting, and the ability to be left alone. I mind my own business, and don't ever want to turn the place i move to into California. Every state I look at, it seems they are not far from becoming blue. I lived in NV and would not even consider it now since the libs have a super majority there, with Reno and Vegas controlling the state.
South Carolina is calling your name. We've got mountains, beaches, the longest deer season in the US, 2A loving, and are about as ruby red as a state can be. SC will NEVER be blue and proud of it!!!!
You cant compete with the $$ and amount of weirdos being bred and raised by two men with man buns ect. If every Idahoan for example voted for a certain president it wouldnt even matter. Wouldnt even dent the outcome.
Sounds like you are one of those who decided their vote doesn't matter. That is why we are losing ground. Make the small effort to vote!
Okay, I will just own this fact that I am a 4th gen Californian, but all generations have been Reagan style conservatives and are from rural CA. With that said, I just retired from Law enforcement and am looking for a safe semi rural place to raise my family. Gun rights are paramount, good big game hunting, and the ability to be left alone. I mind my own business, and don't ever want to turn the place i move to into California. Every state I look at, it seems they are not far from becoming blue. I lived in NV and would not even consider it now since the libs have a super majority there, with Reno and Vegas controlling the state.
Unfortunately Washington state is going the way of cali .But that said eastern wa has great hunting from coyote, turkey up through elk and moose . Also is mist conservative part of the syate
Okay, I will just own this fact that I am a 4th gen Californian, but all generations have been Reagan style conservatives and are from rural CA. With that said, I just retired from Law enforcement and am looking for a safe semi rural place to raise my family. Gun rights are paramount, good big game hunting, and the ability to be left alone. I mind my own business, and don't ever want to turn the place i move to into California. Every state I look at, it seems they are not far from becoming blue. I lived in NV and would not even consider it now since the libs have a super majority there, with Reno and Vegas controlling the state.

Wife and I left CA in 2010. 5 years later, after moving to Virginia, we started getting harassed by CA auditors for 'unpaid' vehicle registrations - to the tune of almost $50K! They were nasty and aggressive. I'm just a big government-hating A**Hole so I dug in and took them on - and won!

Sold 2 businesses in 1 year and had the time window to become a Wyoming resident in Cheyenne. 2 years later the State Of Virginia came after us for unpaid capital gains - same attitude as CA. I had expected that (based on my CA experience), so my documentation was gold plated. We won again!

We absolutely love it here. No need for carry permits - concealed or open. Great hunting and good honest people. Oh - and no state income tax, 6% sales tax, no sales tax on food. Libs are generally unwelcome. 15 years ago WY had a Dem. governor. He was so conservative he would have made Reagan blush!
WY is the 10th largest state in area and has the lowest population of all 50 states - less than 700,000. There are 3 times more cows than people!
All of you who are reading this are welcome - just don't bring your Blue State politics with you!
PS: If any of you are leaving a Big Blue State be forewarned- they don't want you to take your (their!) money with you. Pay attention - they Will come after you. Study up - this is serious!

Oh yeah - did I mention that most our Interstate Highway speed limits are 80 mph?
Sounds like you are one of those who decided their vote doesn't matter. That is why we are losing ground. Make the small effort to vote!
I hear ya.... I personally dont vote for many reasons. Dont need to go off on a personal rant so i'll spare ya.
But just because someone's in a party you like dosent mean theyre a good person worthy of alliegance.
I hear ya.... I personally dont vote for many reasons. Dont need to go off on a personal rant so i'll spare ya.
But just because someone's in a party you like dosent mean theyre a good person worthy of alliegance.
You don't get it. If you don't vote you will lose your rights. There is no good reason not to vote. It is a duty as an American.
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