Welcome back Kirby! Always enjoy reading your posts. Are you still tooling around with Front Ignition? I'm having good results with my 22-284 Front Ignition, also if you ever reprint the Allen Magnum wildcat cartridge book I'll take a copy or two.
To be honest, the whole reason i was trying to get set up with RCC was to have them make me my wildcat brass based on the lapua parent case, that being the 7mm Allen Mag, 300 Allen Xpress, 338 Allen Xpress and 375 Allen Xpress and once proven they could get me brass that was as they advertised in strength and quality, i would have them build me special brass to my specs that had special case head dimensions to accept a stainless steel insert pressed into the base of the case.
this insert would again be made from stainless steel or some other alloy, whichever would stand up to the heat and pressure best. The insert would be a primer cup and flash tube combined into one machined piece. And would be pressed into each specially designed case just as a primer is.
the special case head would retain the insert so there would be no risk of flash tubes working loose and remaining in the bore after firing, a real concern with most methods of forward ignition.
reloading forward ignition cases has always been an issue. My insert design was such that the mouth of the flash tube would be slightly flared slightly so that a special long primer pin could easily be guided into the flash tube and pop out the primer without needing to remove the steel insert. I even designed a special expander stem that would work in my FL sizing dies that would allow the flash tube to slide into the hollow stem and be supported so it would not bend while being pressed out of the case if needed. But the design goal was to never need to remove the flashtube insert unless the case was spent.
idea was that the flash tubes would last longer then the cases and could be removed and reused in new cases.
properly designed, my theory was that the steel insert, combined with the beefed up case head would result in a nearly indestructible case head as far as pressures go.
sadly with RCC being pretty much a dead stick, on two years waiting for first test brass and really got tired of checking in and pushing them along the way to finish my first order, lost hope on them.
i did go as far as research some cnc companies to machine my inserts. Cost certainly would be a challenge even with very large number orders. Price of inserts would be very similar to the cost of the brass case. Still, if inserts could be used over and over in different cases, that cost may be spread out enough to be a non factor once purchased…..
so yes, i have worked in this a great deal, just need some special pieces to make it practical and safe which has always been the killer of forward ignition systems….