Bedding Question

You can use a dull plastic knife to cut off the excess too.

Grinding hard Devcon isn't much fun, and gives you plenty of opportunity to have an Oops and mar the stock or the bedding. Not that I'd know.... :D

hahaha Yeah I could see that. I will see what it looks like when I take it out.

I put a few strips up tape across the barrel channel so that I can mill down where I want it to end, and then just pull the tape and it should come right out.

Might have to do a little work on the sides.

I didn't have a ton of squish, and not really any that came all the way out the top, but pretty close.

I am able to turn my bolts so my release agent must have worked.

This stuff says 16-24hr cure time so I will have to wait till a little later before I peal it apart and see how it looks. I am pretty confident that everything will work out though. I got a lot of good advice on here, eliminated the surprises, and it all has appeared to have panned out. The only thing left to see is if it comes apart. lol
If you're using Devcon I wouldn't worry about 16-24 hours. I usually bed mine in the evening, and pop them out first thing in the morning when I wake up. 6-8 hours is plenty.
Well, I left the house for a while because I couldn't stand waiting anymore. Came back, popped it apart. Life is good.

Turned out awesome. Not a single air bubble. I am very pleased.

Cleanup wasn't bad. I had put 3 pieces of tape across the barrel channel in front of the lug, right up to the edge of the recess for the lug. Before I bedded, I put a little release agent on it. When I pulled the barrel out, I took a utility knife, and carefully, very carefully, scribed the bedding right near the edge of the tape. Done deal, popped right out, got an awesome straight edge there, fully floated beautifully.

Very pleased with how it turned out. I would bed about anything now, just gotta do it once to get your feet wet and take the nervous edge off of not knowing everything about it.

Anybody who is following this thread for your own purposes, just follow the advise of the others that have commented and you will be good to go. Turned out great. Thanks for the help.

I'm planning on bedding my Model first go at something like this. A lot of good info in this thread and I'll probably end up reading the whole thing a couple dozen times before I dive into this project.
Gus, pleas post pictures from the beginning, I have one to do to. My Model 70 is currently a blind mag but I'm going to convert to a BDL. Then bed.
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