Bedding cz527


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2013
I've got a cz527 American in 22 hornet, that I'm planning on bedding soon. It's got a real nice wood stock from the factory. I ordered it so had had no idea of the quality of how it would look. But lucked out and got a real nice one with great bluing and a charactered walnut stock with the gun shop owner saying probably in the A-AA fancy area. I planned to bed it any way since it doesn't have any pillars and the only bedding from factory is a putty they put under the recoil lug. So far I've been dissappinted that it hasn't shot as good as it looks. So far with factory hornady loads and a few different different powder charges with lil gun and a couple with h110 it is hovering around 2" at 125 yards with 5 shot groups. I havmt tried crimping yet though but have a lfc on its way. It does seem to have a fast barrel though. Chronographing 100 fps faster than hornady states on the box and about 3050 with 40gr varmagedons and 12 gr of lil gun when loaded to magazine length and 3150 when loaded a little longer than magazine legth with 12.2 gr of lil gun. It grouped well for 1 3 shot group, about 1/2", but would prefer to run mag length since I can't single feed this action. Which I might modify the magazine if I find it prefers less of a jump and that wasn't a fluke group. I havnt played with load development much since I'm waiting for the bullets to get in and to get some free time when the weather isn't nasty. I have no problem changing bullets, but I want to try these varmagedons bullets since they are so much cheaper than most others. And keeping above the 1600 fps threshold for expansion I still get over 200 yards at that starting velocity.

But for my question, when I go to bed the rifle are there any little quirks to this rifle that I will need to know before jumping in? The plan is to instal pillars and glass bed. I do have some experience bedding rifles. Mostly bedding 4 different stocks for my savage 10. And I have the process down for t to get good results.

Any comments welcome, and thanks for any advice
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