Barrel tension?

First off, sorry for not responding earlier, been away.
There is no discernable difference in accuracy, I have removed a barrel and put it back on during a match due to a stuck case, accuracy never changed. I also cannot see any change in the barrel fit after 200 rounds, it appears tighter to remove, but, there is no evidence the barrel is turning in the action. All my rifles have witness marks, and I have often looked to see if the barrel moves, as far as I can tell, they don't.
Have checked with a torque wrench, no barrel has ever needed more than 10ft/lbs to loosen.
I used to torque, but, no matter how much force was used, due to the positive stop of the shoulder, did the barrel go in anymore.


Thats interesting
I have shot with 1000 foot pounds of torque tightening the barrel and I have shot with 1 foot pound of torque tightening the barrel, and I did not see any difference.

I did put wax in the threads of a 300 win mag and the barrel got real loose, even with plenty of torque.

So I have not seen much, but I can calculate...

I have gone through the math of torque, pitch, inefficiency of friction, to calculate clamping force and compared that to bolt thrust. I think there is a reason all that glue is on the threads of old Rem700 barrels when I pull them.
I have shot with 1000 foot pounds of torque tightening the barrel and I have shot with 1 foot pound of torque tightening the barrel, and I did not see any difference.

I did put wax in the threads of a 300 win mag and the barrel got real loose, even with plenty of torque.

So I have not seen much, but I can calculate...

I have gone through the math of torque, pitch, inefficiency of friction, to calculate clamping force and compared that to bolt thrust. I think there is a reason all that glue is on the threads of old Rem700 barrels when I pull them.

How did you torque one to 1000 ft/lbs?
How did you get it back off?
Until 2 years ago I weighed 200 pounds with the clothes..
I quit eating starch. Now I am smaller.
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