Barrel cleaning

GA Precision recommends Bore tech. I bought some. Doesn't stink and extremely effective and easy application tips. Win win. They have for break in an individual carbon and then copper. That is for a derp clean. Then eliminator which is carbon/copper for regular use. The other thing I love is their proof positive jags and brush so you know if you get green then it's your barrel and not the jag as well. Hell I should be sponsored.
Ryan Pierce of Piercision Rifles also recommends Boretech Eliminator and Remington 40x. I bought one of his 28 Noslers from another member and was having accuracy issues. Called Ryan and asked what to do. RL33 is very dirty and told me to clean with Boretech first then scrub with 40x then oil. Scatter groups went to one hole groups. Good luck.
Ryan Pierce of Piercision Rifles also recommends Boretech Eliminator and Remington 40x. I bought one of his 28 Noslers from another member and was having accuracy issues. Called Ryan and asked what to do. RL33 is very dirty and told me to clean with Boretech first then scrub with 40x then oil. Scatter groups went to one hole groups. Good luck.

It's been a bit since I visited the site but thank you for the feedback. I helped my brother in law gather the parts for a 28 Nosler and then my gunsmith assembled it. We are working up a load now and with that powder. I didn't know RL33 is considered so dirty. It doesn't bother me other than now I know to be more cautious. I may send you a PM on performance because I'm surprised by the velocity we are getting and don't want to hijack the thread.
It's been a bit since I visited the site but thank you for the feedback. I helped my brother in law gather the parts for a 28 Nosler and then my gunsmith assembled it. We are working up a load now and with that powder. I didn't know RL33 is considered so dirty. It doesn't bother me other than now I know to be more cautious. I may send you a PM on performance because I'm surprised by the velocity we are getting and don't want to hijack the thread.
PM anytime. Glad to help.
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