Barnes X vs TSX vs LRX

The 6.5x47 Lapua proved to be effective. I pussed out and put a brake on it due to my recent shoulder surgery. I was on my way to a property to ask permission to hunt and I saw 25 or so antleope on a property that I already had permission for. The shot was only 147 yards, in and out. No bullet recovered as usual.


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If you can, go with the tsx, ttsx, or lrx. They all have softer copper and should perform great. I use the ttsx and lrx, both have shot excellent and taken down game with no issue.
I know that you wish to use the components that you have, if this is the "original" X Bullet (no grooves) … may wish to reconsider.

The "original" X, was bad about fouling (except in an excellent barrel), exhibited higher pressures and lower velocities than the newer TSX, TTSX, or the LRX. You will most likely be much better served with the newer "grooved" bullets! JMO memtb
Agreed BUT…there are some ways around this issue 😁.

In my old savage 99 .243 (worn barrel, Defintely fouling easy)

I'm going to be loading a bunch of old 75 grain original x bullets I won on auction for cheap. At that bullet weight the bearing surface isn't so long, so that's one help already

But my main approach is twofold:

1. Hexagonal Boron Nitride. I've treated these bullets with HBN and will clean and treat the bore of the rifle likewise. It reduces friction and fouling like crazy in other rifles I've tried. Far superior to what Barnes tried to do with their old xlc. Hbn is the last word in friction reducing bullet coatings.

2. A copper erasing powder. I have a good stash of CFE223 at the moment. Should be an acceptable burn rate for a 75 grain hbn bullet in 243.
Good Luck Calvin…..wishing you the best with your endeavor! I certainly can't blame you for trying!

I still have some original X Bullets for my wife's and my rifle…..if times get hard, I'll go to them without hesitation! Not likely though… I'm getting 200 rounds of 270 grain LRX's for my Birthday/Christmas and have around a 100 250 grain TTSX's that are going into retiremen! 😁 memtb
I know that you wish to use the components that you have, if this is the "original" X Bullet (no grooves) … may wish to reconsider.

The "original" X, was bad about fouling (except in an excellent barrel), exhibited higher pressures and lower velocities than the newer TSX, TTSX, or the LRX. You will most likely be much better served with the newer "grooved" bullets! JMO memtb
Yes, X2!! I have some (500) or more of the 130 X Bullets under sized and plated to bring back to size ,as per John Lazzeroni specs that do well and not as much fouling. I have shot these slap up against the lands in my Warbird, one hole groups , but I do not recommend starting against the lands with your caliber or rifle! normally start 20 thou plus or more off the lands , you should find a load somewhere between 20-60 thou off the lands . John does not offer these any longer and I bought all he had when they stopped using them in the Lazzeroni line. Get your load data from the Barnes book on line. Start way low and work up ! I have never fired the uncoated 130 X Bullet but have run 1,00s of the 130 TTSX's with great performance , but run them at hyper speeds , the probable perform properly above 1800 FPS , I would call Barnes and talk to them before I started loading the old X Bullet ! JMHO

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