OG Daniel great thread & here's my spin on it
First off if 2 different pills expand to the same diameter & only mushroom monos ( not shed the petals as they are completely different on how they kill & if one understands the pop those pills can produce if designed correctly you can go to a different application/ level but I'll leave that alone for how you have worded it in your original post or @least as I understand it)
So the heavier pill will give the better wounding capability in a simple format but as others stated you'll most likely not see it
So why is that the case & time to get a little anal here & remember this is hypothetical same impact same resistance
First off the heavier pill deforms & opens easier & it will give a longer wound channel across zones 2,3&4 also as this is where sectional density comes in
Simple physics
So now let's put these in the hypothetical elk or 2 of them sxs
The 2 different pill weights will give nearly identical wounds except in the transition zones as the heavier pill will open slightly quicker to full terminal form so the transition zone is shortened on the heavier vrs the longer transition zone of lighter pill but both will still have the same wound channel on the broadside in the crease shot @ the exit point of the far side of the chest cavity ( through the lungs )
Now move those angles & resistances & watch the heavier pill hold that permanent wound channel across zones 2,3&4 for longer & gives us a better wounding with the heavier pill
It's pretty well as simple as I can put it but now you can also enter flat base vrs boat tail part for how that preforms in a critter also but another time for that I think
But it's also why one should look @ various impact speeds @ that range /s of ea of those pills & why we should always do our own scenario with our own combos as often is the case the lighter the pill in this case around a potential 300 fps increase MV & time we do our own charts up on the actual impact velocities up on ea of those pills it's a longways out & often not crossed by the 2 different pills in one's own impact ranges & the lighter pill now wins the wound channel scenario
In that case it's why the lighter faster pill gives us a better wounding & killing efficiency as long as it can cover the triangles parameters & that's also another day for discussion I think along with the shedding & c& c world which often gets a lot of fun & games on peoples opinions / thoughts
So looking forward if you want to open that can of worms
@tomcat818 that is a great paper & when one delves into those things you'll see when watching killing efficiency curves on various velocity impact points & different resistances you see where some pills excel over others , others not so much
But numbers needed to do those for a clearer picture on accuracy of how one pill vrs another works better or not imo of course