Barnes Bullet eXpansion

I don't have any pictures but I have recovered one bullet. It was a 115 gr from a 25-06 that killed a Mule Deer at about 75 yards. I found the bullet under the neck skin. It looked exactly like the pictures except about half of one petal was broken off.
Barnes & Berger bullets being the respective opposite ends of the spectrum will ALWAYS behold great praise as well as blasphemous opposition. Is anyone right? Depends on the way the bullet is used... As we all know, there is no one perfect bullet (despite what the internet tells us:D). I haven't played with the Bergers yet, although they may see some action in my 6.5WSM upon completion (if they survive the launch velocities).
Being a landowner, I get to harvest or see a good number of medium game harvested each year, medium being deer & antelope. My father, two of my hunting partners & myself are all using Barnes. From 243 to 270 to 7mm to 30 cal. I had my first animal actually leave the area of bullet/venison impact two years ago. Because I, to repeat, I botched a high shoulder shot with my bullet passing just over the spine. Dozens upon dozens of animals shot from point blank to the sub 500yd area. I haven't tracked or helped track any animal (the exception being the above described botch). I am looking into the Bergers because folks are having good luck with them, so, why not?

We're always told, If it ain't broke don't fix it. Usually it goes something more like: If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is..." For me it ain't broke, but I am keeping an open mind.

To answer the original question... Sorry OP, i've never recovered a bullet.

When used & placed within the means of the bullets ability, most any bullet does it's job. Remember, the Remington Corelokt was praised in Africa at one point in time:rolleyes: we as hunters, have never had it so good.
No. Mine went through and did some good destruction. Shot a buffalo in the head and found a petal of copper but not the bullet. I look for it but never found it. Sorry
no problem it is rare to find a barnes bullet shot in game that is why i started this thread because of the lack of pictures of a barnes bullet actually found in game
Left to right..
.257 90 gr X .257 Weatherby going the speed of light on a mule deer
.308 180 gr X 300WM Elk
.308 180 gr tipped triple shock 300WM Moose
50 cal muzzle loader mule deer

I switched to Barnes x bullets in 1995 after a few bad experiences with pushing small bullets to fast and picking up the pieces.
Since then my family has taken approximately
30 mule deer...2 points to 200"
8 elk.......5 points to 385"
2 shirus moose
1 goat
Half a dozen antelope
In calibers .243, 25-06, 257Weatherby, 7MM Mag, 7MM WSM, 7MM STW, 7MM Ultra Mag, 308, 30-06, & 300 Win Mag,
Most were hand loads with a few factory rounds .
Probably 95% have been one shot kills with most being lung shots broad side.
I have never experienced the run for a mile after being shot like some others. In fact the reason I converted everyone to Barnes was the first 3 deer we shot were lung shots that dropped within 10 yards. Before, using off the shelf ammo, I was used to lunging them and having them go 50 to 100 yds and expire.
Ranges have been from 50 yds to about 550 yds with the average being about 300yds.
The earlier "X" and XLC's seemed to be quite finicky about how they shot out of different guns. I could usually find a load that worked though. The TSX and TTSX seem to be easier to get to group, although we have a 300 Win Mag that absolutely refuses to like any Barnes bullet.
I do usually look for slugs but its is quite rare to find one in the animal.



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Been using since 2004 on whitetail, muledeer, pronghorn, elk, bear and never ever a single problem.

60 yards 338win mag 225 tsx


270 yds 300wsm 168 tsx on 6x6 bull

wow nice bear and it seems like they are expanding beautifully. what was the aprox impact velocity on the 168 grain tsx
Never recoverd one , I have shot untipped version , shot white tail this year 150 yards , bang flop. I shoot for shoulder , have shot accubonds , ballistic tip ,and Barnes seem to be very accurate in the last 4 years shooting game I have not lost any animals . I have shoot 350 lbs pigs at 380 yards and shoulder shot them still complete pass thru . But it is a 300 ultra :D
impact velocity on the 168 would of been 2500 fps. I never actively search out the bullet but like in the case the 168 it was just under the hide on opposite side of entry. I did weigh that one out of curiosity and it weighed in at 167. I did not weigh it beforehand but it pretty much retained it's weight.
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