Barnes 6.5 LRX

Since I started using the LRX, I have shot 3 black tail and 1 mule deer with the .264 127g, and one antelope with the .308 200g, all one shot kills. The deer were all fairly short range, between 100 and 250 yards. The antelope was 700+ yards. Only saw one of the bullets, and it was the classic open petals. I'm very happy with the performance of the LRX bullets.
This deer was at 618 yards with a 127LRX from a 6.5x284
Cow elk at 400 yards, couple other pigs between 200-300 yards
Took a 220lb pig at 580 last weekend. Haven't had to track anything.
I have yet to recover a bullet but generally don't aim for the shoulder.


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From Barnes

6.5 127 – 1600 fps

.277 129 – 1700 fps

.284 145 -1600 fps

.284 168 – 1500 fps

.308 175 – 1600

.308 200 - 1600

Thank You

Ryan Farr | Tech Support/Consumer Services Lead
Barnes Bullets, LLC
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