Barbour Creek student take antelope @ 1507 yards

That my friends was a hell of a shot! Not really sure how you can be on a long range hunting site and start slinging mud at a guy who shoots an animal at long range. Maybe some of you should rethink your subscription here! Just because its not for you or doesn't fit into your window of whats ethical doesn't mean it shouldn't be attempted. Looks like the guy put int he time and the money to get the training he needed. Applaud his good fortune, I sure do!
There's a lot of truth in what Allen Kitts just posted.
For me long range is 300 yards with my 308 and 100 yards with my 30/30.
I don't have the equipment (nor do I want it) to able to see that far, 3x9 is the highest mag scope I have and that's on my 223.
My problem is we only get to see the shot that connected was it just the one shot?
Call me cynical if you want but that's my opinion.
I'm green with envy, nice shot. Maybe I missed it but would love info on the rig & scope used.

I think people tend to forget that nothing dies in nature in a nice nor ethical way. Dying of starvation or from a wolf attack simply isn't any better than dying from a poorly placed shot. I get it that we need to do our best but an animal is food not a friend and they get all my respect when I'm full.

When I think of marginal calibers for longer distances, then I think...yea but it's still got more impact than my bow & arrow from 30 yards. (maybe not quite the same diameter hole...but more energy)