Barbour Creek student take antelope @ 1507 yards

This thread is exactly why LR Hunting needs to be policed better. I know Len and Chris have lives other than the forum but I implore them to close this thread and discipline the people who are violating our basic pricipals.

We now have some butt hurt people saying that this shot wasn't ethical by their standards. This is not the foundation of LR Hunting.

They need to either be banned or at least put on temporary hold for posting for a month or so until they can quit poo pooing other people's success with long range hunting shots.

We will soon degrade into a hateful useless place unless this is stopped by our wonderful moderators. It's already becoming a peeing contest and I am sick of it as I'm sure a lot of other people here are.

To let a few nay sayers destroy everyone else's enjoyment of this LONG RANGE HUNTING forum is destructive and there will be absolutely no end to the arguing and developing hatred and negativity.

That's not why we're here. The majority of us want to have a place we can share our love of long range hunting free of the people who would say it's bad and unethical and cast negative light on it.

Nuff said.... LDH out.... :(
So censor those that don't agree with you? What a very liberal mindset.

The whole point of a forum is discussion. Why make the post if you don't want anybody to comment? You thinking that all people here should completely agree with your thoughts and beliefs is arrogant af!
So censor those that don't agree with you? What a very liberal mindset.

The whole point of a forum is discussion. Why make the post if you don't want anybody to comment? You thinking that all people here should completely agree with your thoughts and beliefs is arrogant af!
Discussion is one thing but calling multiple others BSers is another way of stating they're a liar in this case as it was used. Also stating the OP was using for marketing and making $$$$ is fine and true but then to claim it's BS and someone's a liar is another thing. Not saying you're the culprit of my above comment either. Also, I don't think the OP would risk the livelihood of his business if it wasn't truth, do you? JMO
So censor those that don't agree with you? What a very liberal mindset.

The whole point of a forum is discussion. Why make the post if you don't want anybody to comment? You thinking that all people here should completely agree with your thoughts and beliefs is arrogant af!
I mean, technically the whole point of this forum is to discuss long range hunting and shooting. I think it's even in the name…..
Discussion is one thing but calling multiple others BSers is another way of stating they're a liar in this case as it was used. Also stating the OP was using for marketing and making $$$$ is fine and true but then to claim it's BS and someone's a liar is another thing. Not saying you're the culprit of my above comment either. Also, I don't think the OP would risk the livelihood of his business if it wasn't truth, do you? JMO
Calling one a liar , and one a BS'ER is different , a liar has zero merit in his storytelling, a BS'ER stretches the truth to a degree to illicit a response he finds pleasurable, it satisfies his brain with a dopamine rush.This is from a licensed clinical psychologist of social sciences. If you beg to differ go for it.
OK. Sounds like another definition of a glorified liar. Truth is the truth. Stretching the truth IMO is lying. Period. If someone stated they made a 1507 yard shot that was actually 507 yards as you mentioned, and then posted it in a forum to be seen and commented on, then that would be a liar. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I'm out!!
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We are blessed to have you with us on this forum . Why with all of your shooting skills and sniper skills and now a clinical professional . How do you find the time ? Also a judge to boot as you can see a liar from , well from a keyboard away . Perhaps you are looking in the mirror . None of us know you any better than the others but you want us to believe your negative assessment over their word . I stand by my word and I know my truths . Don't give a 🐀🫏 about others opinions .
So let's censor people who agree to disagree, let's keep it one sided and all drink the Kool aid. A few with common sense voiced their opinions and , now we're hateful? Give me a break I stand by what I've said,besides I figured it was a typo ,instead of 1507 yards it was 507 yards all is well great shot nevertheless. 🤣 👍

You flatter yourself.
So censor those that don't agree with you? What a very liberal mindset.

The whole point of a forum is discussion. Why make the post if you don't want anybody to comment? You thinking that all people here should completely agree with your thoughts and beliefs is arrogant af!

Truly you are not as ignorant as you pretend. People break the posted rules and you want them to suffer no consequences.