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ballistic reticle or dial? illuminated? whats your favorite reticle for coyote ?

From CT, and if the shot gets to 300yds, it is a long shot....depending on what you want to spend, 2.5-10 or 3-15 with a 50 mm objective with good glass is important. Alot of times, you'll be looking through brush, or looking into shadows to see the animal. Reticle is your choice, but you won't have time 80% of the time to range, dial, then shoot. A duplex sighted at 200 yrs as suggested is what I would go with...rsbhunter
I Snagged a 2.5-10 x 44 Vortex (my first one) with there version of a duplex yesterday, midway has some smokin deals on a couple right now.
I zero at 200y and with that, you can just hold center mass on everything from 50y to 250y, which covers 99% of applications. Then I memorize holds for 300, 350, and 400, which is pretty easy to do. If I'm in between those holds, I'll make a quick adjustment. FFP scopes and while I use a handful of different scopes and reticles, I prefer something that aids in holding, whether that be a modified mil dot or a full Christmas tree, as long as I can identify holds quickly. There just aren't many times when a yote will be in the same place long enough for you to range, glance at the dope, dial, get on target and shoot. I didn't say "never" but I think they are rare, at least where I live. Knowing my holds to 400y and shooting an ffp optic covers almost everything I encounter.

But, I still miss. I just want to put that out there. I saw a post a few days ago where several people were acting like they hit every coyote they see. Well, I don't. I wish I did, but I miss quite a few every year.
Honesty! Very refreshing...thank you! So do I. ( Very rarely...but it happens 🤣) And x2 on the above!
From CT, and if the shot gets to 300yds, it is a long shot....depending on what you want to spend, 2.5-10 or 3-15 with a 50 mm objective with good glass is important. Alot of times, you'll be looking through brush, or looking into shadows to see the animal. Reticle is your choice, but you won't have time 80% of the time to range, dial, then shoot. A duplex sighted at 200 yrs as suggested is what I would go with...rsbhunter
Up here in the NW part of Ct I hunt some dairy farms and actually do have opportunities to shoot out to 6-800 yards, I don't because I'd rather not take a chance at a miss and educate any dogs
Illuminated for sure.

Reticle with MIL subtensions, but not a BDC. I dial when time permits, but holdovers on coyotes are fine for "closer" shots out to 400ish.
The majority of my coyotes have been shot incidental to game hunting with shots taken +500 yards. For this hunting, I use dial if I have the time, use a reticle if not.
For my dedicated coyote hunting(calling), the bulk of my shots are under 300 yards and I usually will use reticle holds. My old favorite is an old Boone and Crockett Reticle/VX3 Leupold 4.5x14x40 on my 22-250, or a Leupold Mk4 3x9(TMR) on my AR15.
VX 5 3-15 with illuminated plex reticle. Zero at 200 and hold over for distance. Dont usually take 223 for long distance shooting if going long I use my 22 Creedmoor w/ 5-25 Ziess and dial
I zero at 200y and with that, you can just hold center mass on everything from 50y to 250y, which covers 99% of applications. Then I memorize holds for 300, 350, and 400, which is pretty easy to do. If I'm in between those holds, I'll make a quick adjustment. FFP scopes and while I use a handful of different scopes and reticles, I prefer something that aids in holding, whether that be a modified mil dot or a full Christmas tree, as long as I can identify holds quickly. There just aren't many times when a yote will be in the same place long enough for you to range, glance at the dope, dial, get on target and shoot. I didn't say "never" but I think they are rare, at least where I live. Knowing my holds to 400y and shooting an ffp optic covers almost everything I encounter.

But, I still miss. I just want to put that out there. I saw a post a few days ago where several people were acting like they hit every coyote they see. Well, I don't. I wish I did, but I miss quite a few every year.
hey these people never mention the misses ,my best is around 15 kills on the bounce then you go into cant miss mode, but you do, my worst, 4 misses on the bounce now if i miss two its check POI most shots 80-200 .222 foxs only
I have found the illuminated reticle really makes for quick acquisition particularly in low light. I sight my 223 in for a maximum 4" point blank range and check for that distance first thing at every stand. If the opportunity is further, I have a hold over cheatsheet taped to my stock. My scope does have an adjustable turret, but there is rarely time on a coyote to use it.
Best of luck with your decision!
A Christmas tree reticle for me and absolutely a FFP scope so the reticle ballistics stay accurate while zooming in and out and your windage holds are adjusted/calculated for the changing ranges. Nice to have a quick windage reference. Varmints are almost always moving unlike deer, elk, rabbits, etc. Hogs, coyotes, bobcats, etc. just don't stop moving very long so "usually" no time to look at a ballistic calculator or a drop card and dial. Most important for me is you don't want your holdovers to change as you zoom like a SFP scope does and complicate your holdover calculations even more.
I have often wondered about the Christmas tree reticle a just always thought they would be to "busy" for yote hunting. I have a Shepherd scope with the 556 reticle that I have yet to mount on a rifle. That seems a little to fine for this application. Prairie dogging or wood chuck hunting I think it would shine.
I much prefer a mil "small Christmas tree" G3 reticle with a rangefinder and hold over info in the ocular lens cap.
No dialing and no "approximate" BDC reticle holds that always lie after 300 yards.
I shoot 70 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip bullets close to 3,200fps at the muzzle and have a 6-Power Leupold FX-3 scope with the LR reticle. I'm sighted in at 200yds (1-1/4" high at 100 yards), the first dot below the crosshairs is at 300yds and the 2nd dot is 400yds. My longest coyote kill with this bullet and scope is 340yds.
