B&C Stock pics....specifically dark grey web


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2015
Ordering one for my 300 RUM....debated for long time. .debating between black with gray web or gray with black web.....wanting pics for visual comparison on actual rifles
If you shoot a lot, I would go with black with gray web. Even thought I think gray with black web looks better. Reason I say this, is because I have had both. An the gray stock starts to get dingy from your hands. I run into this more at barrel break in and range sessions. When you are cleaning a lot, and cleaner and oil tend to drip out the back of you bore guide. Then your dirty hands hold it all day. Hope this helps.
Here's black with gray web
I've been looking at replacing the stock on my Savage 116 . How do you all like the B&C stocks?
I like mine I put on my model 12 FV. Complete drop in install. Its Green with black web. Stock fits me perfect. I looked on their website and couldn't find one similar...must have discontinued the one ....purchased 3 years ago
Just cant decide on color for this next one.
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I had a couple of bc stocks for rem700, drop in , great stock for the money . They were solid and no movement on the tripod . I will try to upload a pic that I had for stock I was trying to buy.


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Where did you end up getting it? Stockys?

Ordered directly from bell and Carlson.
Stocky's tends to advertise "big sales" but if you look at their website ...they just throw a random price under the B&C stock and then "discount" to the price that's been static on the B&C website ..
I've debated and gone back and forth for about 3 months on which stock..noticed the trend and that kind of false advertising does nothing but fill up my email with junk and pisces me off.
I agree with that , still 271 for years , no matter what . The first time I got one was directly from them , drove up to the warehouse and they were nice to let pick mine , as I could not decide on the color and model. They don't have a storefront, or they didnt a few years ago. So I appreciated that but since then I keep on looking for good sales but nothing, Redhawk had good sales for grayboe but they don't carry BellCarlson anymore I think.
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