Dark Day

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Exactly. Anyone who doesn't have a copy on the shelf already should:
1. Download it.
2. Start reading it.
3. Order or print off a hard copy.
4. Send a copy to any friends ot family you have who are actually "switched on".
5. Get together with those folks and do some training.
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Political candidates aside, isn't it more concerning how fast we have run to the open arms of Communism, this week at world class sprinter speed. How do the supporters of such disgusting political behavior think they will be immune to prosecution if , GOD forbidding, November goes terribly wrong. Look back in history and see how that kind of political leadership treats all people except the One at the top. They haven't come at us yet with guns and knives, Russian Revolution style, but are coming in many other ways social ,economic, food production , open borders, green energy, electric transportation and many other ways that escape me.
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