Automatic Gun Fire - Neighbor Called the Law - Pileated Woodpecker

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
I was finishing up on the 75' of underground electrical 10-2 Wire and making the hole in the Brick Siding from 1/2" to 3/4" to fit the new PVC Pipe to the inside of the basement. Then the Sherrif pulled up into our driveway and asked to see my paperwork on having a Full Auto Firearm. I was stunned because I was working on the electrical for the well and not firing a Full Auto so I told the Sherriff that I did not have to provide any paperwork and why he was there.
Right about that time a Pileated Woodpecker started HAMMERING a tree. The Pileated Woodpecker is the largest of Woodpeckers in GA. The Deputy just looked up in the air. Speechless!
We have a neighbor down the road that has his mother-in-law living in the lower basement of the house so that he and his wife could afford the house and property (she pays for most everything and rules the roost).
She called the Sherriff on us several times in the past years - she is a liberal and opposed to firearms and hates our 3'x6' Trump signs in the front of our Goat Field.
She heard the Pileated Woodpecker and ASSUMED we were firing our Automatic ARs again.
The Deputy just looked at me and apologized for coming back to a complaint AGAIN!
Those darn "Liberal Pileated Woodpeckers" making full auto noise!
I was finishing up on the 75' of underground electrical 10-2 Wire and making the hole in the Brick Siding from 1/2" to 3/4" to fit the new PVC Pipe to the inside of the basement. Then the Sherrif pulled up into our driveway and asked to see my paperwork on having a Full Auto Firearm. I was stunned because I was working on the electrical for the well and not firing a Full Auto so I told the Sherriff that I did not have to provide any paperwork and why he was there.
Right about that time a Pileated Woodpecker started HAMMERING a tree. The Pileated Woodpecker is the largest of Woodpeckers in GA. The Deputy just looked up in the air. Speechless!
We have a neighbor down the road that has his mother-in-law living in the lower basement of the house so that he and his wife could afford the house and property (she pays for most everything and rules the roost).
She called the Sherriff on us several times in the past years - she is a liberal and opposed to firearms and hates our 3'x6' Trump signs in the front of our Goat Field.
She heard the Pileated Woodpecker and ASSUMED we were firing our Automatic ARs again.
The Deputy just looked at me and apologized for coming back to a complaint AGAIN!
Those darn "Liberal Pileated Woodpeckers" making full auto noise!

That's hilarious. Annoying, but still really funny. Did the sheriff end up informing the complainers of the "resolution" to the complaint, so maybe they'll shut up and mind their own business for a while?

Or maybe the sheriff just filed a report about "a real pecker-head causing a ruckus again" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That's hilarious. Annoying, but still really funny. Did the sheriff end up informing the complainers of the "resolution" to the complaint, so maybe they'll shut up and mind their own business for a while?

Or maybe the sheriff just filed a report about "a real pecker-head causing a ruckus again" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I sent the son - in - law a text about his MIL. He is a good guy, but wants the money from the MIL to pay for everything so he is under her and his wife's thumb. What a way to live.
If you ever heard these Pileated Woodpeckers hit on a tree you would think you were in a battle zone. They are like a suppressed .223 in auto. BUT LOUD!
Oh I have heard them. They are a beautiful bird to look at too, just a remarkable critter all around. We have them up here in Saskatchewan too, they're not just the largest woodpecker in Georgia but in North America as well. Unbelievable jack-hammer of a head on those birds haha, they can redefine "head banging" in a way that would put any heavy metal enthusiast to shame!!!!🤣
Oh I have heard them. They are a beautiful bird to look at too, just a remarkable critter all around. We have them up here in Saskatchewan too, they're not just the largest woodpecker in Georgia but in North America as well. Unbelievable jack-hammer of a head on those birds haha, they can redefine "head banging" in a way that would put any heavy metal enthusiast to shame!!!!🤣
For sure they are very beautiful and 10 oz big. They can BANG so FAST. I saw a documentary on them. They have a special fluid in their brain so that it doesn't hurt hem when JACK HAMMERING!!!
We are very lucky to have a variety of Birds, animals and lots of insects here (don't care for the insects but part of life).
For sure they are very beautiful and 10 oz big. They can BANG so FAST. I saw a documentary on them. They have a special fluid in their brain so that it doesn't hurt hem when JACK HAMMERING!!!
We are very lucky to have a variety of Birds, animals and lots of insects here (don't care for the insects but part of life).
Oh it's more than the fluid working as well!! Though they do have a surplus of cerebrospinal fluid cushioning their brain inside an extra-robust skull of greater bone density than is typical for any other bird. But they have a hollow circular cavity that wraps completely around the cranium THAT THEIR FREAKING TONGUE WRAPS AROUND when they're not using it to slurp bugs out of trees. They have very long tongues. and the tongue wrapped around their cranium, itself within another layer of skull, acts as an incredible shock absorber.

A true wonder of the natural world.


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That was a story that will stick with you forever. Thanks for sharing.

We have an abundance of woodpeckers around the house. A few of the big red heads, but a ton of the smaller ones as well. When you live in a wood house on the edge of woods and have carpenter bees it gets to be a battle.
I sent a post last month with a woodpecker drilling into our deck for BEES!