Athlon Chronograph


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
I just read a short article about Athlon coming out with a new chronograph around April 2025. It's called the Athlon Rangecraft Velocity Pro Chronograph. Is it just me or does it look like an exact replica of the Garmin Xero?

I just watched a shot show video and I like the simplicity of operation and data logging. The elephant(s) in the room are will it be as reliable as the Garmin and will the support match.
Gamin has had a good run holding steady at their price point. I say good for them as it has been a superior product. So, assuming Athlon matches them on reliability and support we have a price war coming. D@mn I love capitalism!
I think I'd have to see a real world side by side comparison of the two before even thinking about ditching my Garmin Xero. Just my 2 cents, but I think Garmins experience in this field is far ahead of Athlon.
Wouldn't ditch my Xero either, but the Athlon looks to be an option for someone wanting to save a little coin.
Wouldn't ditch my Xero either, but the Athlon looks to be an option for someone wanting to save a little coin.
Bingo! Like tv sets, when flat screens came out, expensive, but as the trend came on, they became affordable for everyone. When the Caldwell came out, good but for $100 more you could get the garmin. Now Athlon, with a military discount from europtic, I'm under $295 for one.