Please reread the original post.
Quote from you.
"To say long range hunting is anywhere near as bad as most other sites is not true at all. "
Your right, it isn't true, because I "DID" "NOT" say that. What I said was the bickering was a constant over the years. I made no comparison to any other site. Not even ones started by ex-members of this one.
I realize that you're snowed in today and that's a little frustrating. I'm snowed in, also. Of course, it keeps everyone else from moving north.
Take Care.
I'm sure Kirby will let us know, but I do not believe he said:
"To say long range hunting is anywhere near as bad as most other sites is not true at all. "
because of what you said, though the expression can be used based on what somebody else had already said, it can also be used based on what some one else may or would say.
I could be wrong, we'll find out.