Practically a no-win situation! Good luck!Dillo's ain't nothing. Wait 'til y'all get a family of skunks under the house.
Armadillos are carriers of leprosy. Best to not handle them at all. If you must, I'd suggest medical gloves. Their blood is the vector to humans.Don't know if these Armadillos are considered "Varmints" or "Pests".
We have them all over in this part of GA and our YARD.
Probably shot 3 dozen over the past years around 3-4 AM. I would be going on a business trip and leaving early and these suckers would be running around when I would turn on the outside lights and go to my vehicle. I would sometimes shoot them with my CCW. The next day (or at the time) I would have a neighbors from 1/3 mile away call and say "Len are you shooting Yotes or hogs in your yard in the middle of the night" or you OK. Seems like someone always knows who is shooting or shots fired. We had some home invasions about 5-6 miles away and we had an incident here so everyone checks on everyone.
Been seeing the yard all dug up lately. Jill was just outside and several of these buggers scared her when she was going to the Garbage can. Well you know the rest. Jill yelled at me to get rid of them. I grabbed the 223 SBR with light & Laser and went out. Saw two next to a big brush pile. Shot one flipped him up and then shot the second going into the brush pile. Will go out tomorrow and see if there is carcasses before the Yotes get them. Don't want to walk around in the woods at this time of the night.-
Plenty of them walking across the motorcycle friendly state & county roads in southern Missouri along with the box turtles.Yep, was fun to catch 'em by the tail, hang on, lol... They're not nearly as many around as there used to be, suits me fine..
Being in northeast georgia. I never saw a armadillo here until about 20 years ago. Driving a truck locally, they were in central georgia when i first started driving, around 1995. They have steadly moved north, with the fire ant population in the lead. Supposedly they are a enemy to the fire thing i know. They will tunnel under and undermine foundations to barns and homes. I kill everyone i see. In my eyes they are vermin. And disease carriers, so they must go. Seems like everything is moving north gradually. I have seen and killed several cottonmouths on lake oconee, in past years. So are the timber rattlers.