I am not saying I would ever use a .224" diameter slug to shot a deer or other similar sized game but certain states have a minimum diameter or caliber to hunt deer. they have specified 0.243" as the minimum diameter of the slug you can use to shoot deer. other states do not specify. so 0.224" is in. now I know there are several people that have and will forever use 22-250, 22 middlestead, 22-08, and other super 22's to shoot deer, I am not one of those people. I personally believe that 0.257" is the best slug diameter for the deer in middle and northern California. 0.277" is great for all other states with bigger deer. my personal opinion. I have seen deer shot with a 60 grain to 75 grain soft point 0.224" slug from a magnum centerfire 22 round. it brought the deer down eventually. This was after a third shot to the vitals, 600 yards away from the initial spot it was first hit, and my personal 270 Win putting a round to the upper neck to sever the spine. I just do not trust a 22 centerfire to do the job on deer. no matter the weight, if you can not place the shot into an area that is more vital that heart and lungs then do not use that small of a slug. the diameter does not do enough damage to be any where near ethical for me and the deer. Disagree with me if you must, but the last 34 years of hunting has impressed upon me not to trust the .224" diameter slugs to put down a deer without a head, high neck or spine shot. if you intend to shoot anywhere other than neck/spine or head.. do not used anything smaller than the 0.243"/6MM diameter slugs. as for all of those slugs above; the weight might be enough on the heavier slugs, but the diameter is not sufficient to do the job.