Applied Ballistics Pro Support Thread

Hey Doc, thx for quick answer.

1. I am using G7, since there is no Custom Drag Curve for this bullet. (It is a .300 WinMag, 200 gr bullet made by MEN, Germany)

2. I have measured MV with a measuring device for several times at different temperatures, so MV is known.

3. Restarting the Kestrel did not have any effects.
Hey Doc, thx for quick answer.

1. I am using G7, since there is no Custom Drag Curve for this bullet. (It is a .300 WinMag, 200 gr bullet made by MEN, Germany)

2. I have measured MV with a measuring device for several times at different temperatures, so MV is known.

3. Restarting the Kestrel did not have any effects.

When you try to calibrate the MV, and you exit. It should prompt you, then you choose yes. When you choose yes, it does not save?
Hey Doc,

yes right, it did not save MV, but i found a solution.

I set a new gun with the same parameters and did the MV Cal and this time it worked and saved the new MV. I don´t know why it did not work with the old gun.

One strange thing: in the gun menu of the old gun i could not change MV with the arrow keys, seemed like the software did not allow me to do changes.

Now, setting a new gun, i can change MV in the gun menu with the arrow keys.

Kind of weird...
With all the new products and information that has come out, it was time to update the main thread. You will now find the original post has been updated, with new information, new links, as well as revamped to match todays information. Please take the time to review it. Thanks.
With all the new products and information that has come out, it was time to update the main thread. You will now find the original post has been updated, with new information, new links, as well as revamped to match todays information. Please take the time to review it. Thanks.


Just to let you know lest you think otherwise, You Do Great Work Sir!

You are always spot on and go the distance to make sure we are all tracking on AB regardless of the platform used. You are dead on with updates, new stuff and developmental beta stuff. I really hope that this is your primary job because of all the work and time that you put into AB, either that or you're a single guy sitting on some mesquite covered mesa way out on some desolate spot on the Edwards Plateau, otherwise your spouse would never see you if you do this on your off time! lol.

Anyway my brother, I just wanted to make sure you knew that your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

(take a break and enjoy some eggnog with just a touch of Jack Daniels on me!)

Merry Christmas to You, Your Family, and All of the AB Family!


Just to let you know lest you think otherwise, You Do Great Work Sir!

You are always spot on and go the distance to make sure we are all tracking on AB regardless of the platform used. You are dead on with updates, new stuff and developmental beta stuff. I really hope that this is your primary job because of all the work and time that you put into AB, either that or you're a single guy sitting on some mesquite covered mesa way out on some desolate spot on the Edwards Plateau, otherwise your spouse would never see you if you do this on your off time! lol.

Anyway my brother, I just wanted to make sure you knew that your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

(take a break and enjoy some eggnog with just a touch of Jack Daniels on me!)

Merry Christmas to You, Your Family, and All of the AB Family!


Thank you kindly, and yes its my job. I am blessed to have a cool job like working at AB! It is funny you mention mesquite, I live in East Texas lol!

The plan is drink Texas Witherspoon's and watch the kids open presents! And of course to go hunting once again this weekend!

I hope your family and you have a Merry Christmas too!
Hey Doc,
does the AB Analytics package run on Windows 10 phones, for example the Microsoft Lumia 950?
Thanks in advance
Thank you very much
Then it'll be android again for my next smartphone.

I would recommend you wait until after the next drop period. Twice a year, you will see lots of companies dropping new android devices. This has not happened for 2016 yet.
I get the phone "for free" from my service provider as part of a bigger business contract. It's still 2 month until I'm up for a new phone (every 24 month), so I'm just window shopping at the moment. Thanks for the hint though.
Am I to understand that Android is "better" for mobile ABC than iphone, all things considered?

ABC on my iPhone is giving me fits. Downloaded latest update and drops are incorrect when using G7 bc and Sierra'so velocity dependent bc.

I'm feeling I am doing something incorrect but can't determine what or set up isn't proper or...
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