Applied ballistics on I phone problems

bobcat trapper

Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
Ive used applied ballistics on a android phone and never had any issues I now have an iPhone and things are all over the place for me. 1st from a g1 to a g7 drag gives me a full Moa difference in a firing solution running the same numbers? The other issue is today I can run a set of numbers get a firing solution tomorrow run the same set of numbers and the firing sulotion will be way different using the same numbers sometimes 2-3 moa . What the heck do I have going on?
Try putting the G7 BC value in for both the G1 and G7 and see if that helps. That helped for me. We were told by docusmarine that with one of the newer IOS updates it messed with the app. What was happening was when you would input both BC's it would change the G7 to the G1. I hope this helps.
In preparation for receiving my Sig 2400 I have been working with the AB Ballistic App. I have the same random bugg showing up with my Iphone. I tried following SavageShtr's advise but the Iphones AB menue for G1/G7 only allows one selection. However, I cannot confirm it yet but it does seem that going back to the edit mode on the bullet and re-entering "G7" gets the correct drops restored. I'll try it a couple of more times should It occur again to see if this workaround maintains the proper drops. I sure hope my 2400(arriving shortly), doesn't have this BUGG! It would surely render it unreliable in the field. Sure glad I held onto my Gunwerks G7. Can "Doc Beech", or someone that has used the 2400 with an IPhone speak to this?
Also for me it depends on the day some days it gives me the correct drops using the g7 other days its in g1. I don't understand what's going on looks like my old android phone might turn into a ballistic calculator
Ive used applied ballistics on a android phone and never had any issues I now have an iPhone and things are all over the place for me. 1st from a g1 to a g7 drag gives me a full Moa difference in a firing solution running the same numbers? The other issue is today I can run a set of numbers get a firing solution tomorrow run the same set of numbers and the firing sulotion will be way different using the same numbers sometimes 2-3 moa . What the heck do I have going on?
What no AB guys here to comment?????
Every other post on the Sig kilo 2400 thread some one was
sounding off on why we should throw our whole kit away and jump
on your wagon.......
In preparation for receiving my Sig 2400 I have been working with the AB Ballistic App. I have the same random bugg showing up with my Iphone. I tried following SavageShtr's advise but the Iphones AB menue for G1/G7 only allows one selection. However, I cannot confirm it yet but it does seem that going back to the edit mode on the bullet and re-entering "G7" gets the correct drops restored. I'll try it a couple of more times should It occur again to see if this workaround maintains the proper drops. I sure hope my 2400(arriving shortly), doesn't have this BUGG! It would surely render it unreliable in the field. Sure glad I held onto my Gunwerks G7. Can "Doc Beech", or someone that has used the 2400 with an IPhone speak to this?

I did receive my 2400. I loaded my profiles using my IPhone(v6) and it worked as claimed. I compared my drops to my well proven Gunwerks G7 outputs for three different rifles/loads. The 2400 delivered drops within.2MOA taken at several ranges measured out to 1200 yards. The yardage values between the 2400 and G7 were identicle. The issue requiring the work around using an IOS devise with the AB APP looks to have been corrected in the 2400. I'll continue to play with the 2400, but so far, I'm impressed!
What no AB guys here to comment?????
Every other post on the Sig kilo 2400 thread some one was
sounding off on why we should throw our whole kit away and jump
on your wagon.......
Repost this on RIFLES, BULLETS,BARRELS & BALLISTICS in the FORUMS . Doc hangs out there.
Problem is the iPhone .. You messed up going from droid to iPhone ... Made the same mistake myself ... Going back to android as soon as I can afford to
Problem is the iPhone .. You messed up going from droid to iPhone ... Made the same mistake myself ... Going back to android as soon as I can afford to

I was fortunate enough to be able to try out my wife's iPhone before getting into one, what a misserable piece or tech, my wife after a long I phone history changed to a droid and it was rough for a while but now she'll never go back.
Ya it's frustrating. I've posted on several forums with no success other than to "just jump between G1 and G7 until it's close with your DOPE" or try a manual bullet entry. Are you freaking kidding me?! It's supposedly an iOS issue with the newest iOS. It's been PLENTY long enough to resolve that if any manpower was dedicated to do so. They are just plain lazy and want to pimp there new product. I don't like any other calculator, but this is just plain ridiculous. What's really embarrassing is the only bullets I have issues with are Bergers. At least take care of your own brand. DOC is great about answering questions, but at some point someone needs to fix the **** thing. I have to use different apps for different guns.
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