Anyone know what bullet is used in federal new terminal ascent?

Here is a 7mm 155 Gr TLR pulled out of offside of a large bull elk. The shot was 598 yards. Looks pretty much like the example pictures in page 3. Opens very nicely and penetrates well.
I think that a nickel bullet traveling down my barrel will cause a more wear than a copper bullet but how much is a good question. On the hardness scale nickel rates a 4 and copper a 3.

If people are actually worried about nickel cartridge cases causing more wear and scratching on their dies should be also be worried about our rifle barrels?

Nickel is listed as a carcinogen so will the microscopic dust that exits the barrel after every shot be dangerous?

Nickel is rarely used in a pure state but rather it is alloyed with other metals. I wonder what alloy these bullets actually are. I doubt Federal will release this information.

Just food for thought and I don't claim to know more about nickel or copper than anyone else but I wonder what our barrel makers would say about nickel bullets in their barrels. I'm betting they'd not be too happy with the idea.

I think that a nickel bullet traveling down my barrel will cause a more wear than a copper bullet but how much is a good question. On the hardness scale nickel rates a 4 and copper a 3.

If people are actually worried about nickel cartridge cases causing more wear and scratching on their dies should be also be worried about our rifle barrels?

Nickel is listed as a carcinogen so will the microscopic dust that exits the barrel after every shot be dangerous?

Nickel is rarely used in a pure state but rather it is alloyed with other metals. I wonder what alloy these bullets actually are. I doubt Federal will release this information.

Just food for thought and I don't claim to know more about nickel or copper than anyone else but I wonder what our barrel makers would say about nickel bullets in their barrels. I'm betting they'd not be too happy with the idea.

They aren't nickel, its a super thin proprietary nickel alloy coating over the outside of the copper bullet -- I have wondered about fouling in the past and spoke with a few guys that shoot federal "nickel plated" bullets and they claim to have no issues with cleaning fouling -- they have had this playing for a while as the regular trophy bonded/ bear claw bullets are made the same and they have been played since at least 2011 iirc

Lead is a carcinogen also so it wouldn't really change much if you added nickel to it
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I have the TLR.s here but have not shot them yet. In my mind they are the best of all the long range bullet designs. The others are too soft for me. Well they are made for long range!!! Mmmm what if a big bull shows up at 75 yards and is quartering away? Oh mr elk please move to 700 yards and pose nicely:cool: I do not like carrying different rounds in each pocket for different presentations. The TLR is a bonded solid base. But you guys already know that. Basically an improved nosler partition. Always open but never blow.

It is based on the Jack Carter Trophy bonded bear claw.
I have used the originals and really liked them. I am now working with the TLR version in 2 calibers.
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Anyone have a lead where I can find some 200gr 30cal pills? Ive been wanting to try them on a hand load but can't seem to find any in stock..
Layne Simpson wrote an article in shooting times. Seems federal wasn,t happy with the TLR. The coating was farmed out and often peeled and not consistent. Also they did not like the accuracy so they changed the nose form and now do everything in house. Article says the new terminal ascent is more accurate and no more coating problems.
Here's what I ended up with with the Federal TA in my 6.5prc. They're not a bad bullet, was fairly accurate for how long I worked on it, but pretty inconsistent in weight and length. I need to work with them a bit longer to fine tune them but they did great for the amount of time I spent with them. I kept with the center load/seating depth on the target picture.
Anyone have a lead where I can find some 200gr 30cal pills? Ive been wanting to try them on a hand load but can't seem to find any in stock..

I was able to purchase mine directly from Federal. I called them and they had them available "in store only" but I guess that means they had them for calls requesting them.

I have shot both TLT and TA and other then the shade of the finish, they both worked the same out to 900 yds at about .5-.6 MOA. I did notice the length of each bullet slightly varied but the ogive seemed consistent.

Used them in a 300wm.
I have a tikka 300 WSM and really wanted the Edge TLR factory 200gr to work. It proved to be very inconsistent. The first group I shot was 3/4" but then they went to 2.5" yesterday I shot a 2" group followed by a 1" group all of these at 100yds off of a front rest and rear bag. This rifle shoots the federal fusion 150's to <1/2" regularly so after 3 boxes of hoping, I think I'm going to go past the TLR 200gr.
I know the tikka 1:11" twist rate is marginal and yesterday got 3/5 shots onto a target at 700yds the two that missed are pictured. I chronographed these rounds and my ballistic calculator says they should have impacted at 1984fps. Berger's twist rate calculator says that I should have had 8% BC decay and was spot-on for the 700yd shot.
I bought the 175gr terminal ascent to try since it will be more stable and reported to be more accurate.


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