Anyone here hunting with a 6.5 Grendel?

I've been a big fan of the Grendel and have built at least 10-12 of them so far. Most were with shot out high-power 6.5-284 barrels (Krieger mostly). Take a 30" barrel and cut 6 inches off the chamber end and with the Palma and AMU tapers you'll end up at just over an inch diameter at the breech end which is perfect for the AR15's (1.050" is max diameter). The throats look like a new barrel chamber when done and ALL of those rifles I built on those barrels shot an easy 1/2 MOA when completed. Most of them were for hunting rifles and finished at 20-22". I know one of them has killed two deer past 300 yards with the 100gr Nosler BT. Performance was very good and blood trails were short, less than 40 yards.

I get my bolts from Les Baer for the Grendel, barrel extensions from BAT (the best) and usually RRA or Armalite carriers. The carrier can be any good quality manufacture and will work fine.
I had one built for coyote hunting. Works great. I am using a 20" Satern Barrel and it is really nice. I am using the 100 gr. Ballistic tip behind 29.5 gr of H322 and can get close to a half inch group with 5 shots at 100. I have shot it all the way out to 600 under MOA. I have a muzzle brake on it and the recoil is so mild that I can stay on target easy.
There's a little work in the contouring, threading, chambering and drilling the gas port the proper size, but all in all it is more reasonable than starting out with a $300 blank vs. a $75-$100 used one that shoots just as well when you cut off the chamber and bore erosion.:D
Because I feel even a used krieger is better than the barrels they use, and simply because I can get the contour I want for weight and length. For about 2 hours on the lathe I can have a completed AR barrel ready to install and I know the chamber was reamed in-line with the bore (dialed into .0002") the same as a precision target or hunting rifle along with using a precision BAT barrel extension. It's really not that much trouble or work.
My wife has one and she loved how it worked on antelope this season. She shoots it very well, although I'll have to change some things on it before next season.

It's an AA upper, and she doesn't like the weight, the forend, or the color. She wants a lighter total weight, a "smooth" forend, (the one she has now is a quad rail), and she wants it dipped in some type of camo. She found an upper she likes at Specialized Dynamics - Custom AR15's for Predator Hunting and for the Tactical Marksman
so we might just sell the one she has now, and get her a different one entirely. I'm intriqued by Black Hole Weaponry barrels, and I believe that is what SD uses unless specified otherwise. I've seen how well they shoot. All I can say is WOW!

Personnally I'm not too impressed with the ballistics on the 6.5 Grendel, and so I shoot an upper in 25 WSSM for myself.

All that being said, it sure put the whammy on her antelope at 363 yards. She shot two coyotes, and shot "at" another one with it as well. Best of all she found all her brass!
Hey thanks for the info! I'd never heard of them before. I have the handguard she wants on order, so I'll change that out when it gets here. I'm wondering if I would be better off turning her current barrel down, or maybe sending it out to have it wrapped/tensioned?

I have a lightweight 223 upper with a carbon fiber wrapped/tensioned barrel, and a carbon fiber handguard. It shoots very well, even though it's almost too light. I built it for a predator calling rifle, and I figured I'm packing it way more than shooting it, so it is perfect for it's intended purpose.

Thanks again for the info, I'll be getting in touch with them.
I currently have a 20" 6.5 grendel being built by Scott at specialized dynamics. I already have a 6x45 from him and a 17 REM. I would like to hear how the 6.5 are working on coyotes for you guys.
CastleRocker- not to drag this too far off topic, but can you share some info on where you got your 25 WSSM upper and roughly how much was it? Also, would love to hear more about your carbon wrapped 223 too.
Yeah, I'll try not to go too far off topic either. My WSSM's both came from Mike Milli at DTech. I'll try to post a link;


I was very fortunate with both my DTechs, as I found them (barely) used for a price that was way too good to refuse. One is an SUM barrel, the other is a Shilen match. Both are fluted and comped. I'm going to order my next one right from him, as his custom prices aren't too much more than a generic off the shelf upper from some large company, and his flat SHOOT! On top of that, he builds each and every one of them all by himself, and is a great guy to talk to on the phone. Just remember, "good things come to those who wait". Just a heads up, his comp works perfectly, and is worth every penny if you like to actually see your bullets hit things like I do.

My carbon fiber rifle was built by a guy in Minnesota who actually has a regular job, and only does this on the side. (If I had his talent, I think I'd make it my primary occupation!) I'm trying to convince him to build me a couple more, but I'm having trouble getting in touch with him. I'll try again soon. I'd post a pic of it, however, after searching, it appears that I don't have any pics of it on this computer.

Hey Bobtails, let us know how you like Scott's rifles! I'd like to have him build my wife a different 6.5 upper, and maybe a 17-223 for myself. (I've had one in 17 Remington, and although I LOVE the caliber in a bolt, I lost a lot of brass with my AR, and it got expensive).
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