Long time ago when email first came out, our corp legal department had a mandatory training session on etiquette and professionalism or simply class expectation.
Pretty simple advice:
1 - don't say something you don't want your mother to see.
2 - don't say something that is not ok for a headline in local paper or 60 Minutes
3 - don't say something you are not willing to say face to face
4 - don't say something and expect no consequences
5 - speak with data
The keyboard Trolls that have become normal are just perfect examples of lack of responsibility and accountability in our society. I am still surprised when I disagree with someone on a subject matter and the response is nothing but vitriol attack on my mother, family and character. When I ask to meet to discuss in person, holy cow! No, no, no! You cannot threaten me with face to face discussion! These are socially defective people (loosely applied as people) and they cannot carry a normal conversation in person.
So the Ignore is my best friend so I don't get banned.