I used to live in Llano, Texas. I really miss that place. Hunted deer a lot there and got my high school spending money spot lighting raccoons on private land and selling them to the fur guy that would show up on the weekends.
Howdy from Tyler, TX
Just pm'd you my friendHowdy neighbor! Another Tylerite here, albeit a new resident. Do we have many serious precision shooters here? All I've run into so for are serious fishermen!
Yep, I45 and HolzwarthHowdy Neighbor!
You on the Klein side or the Toll Rd side?
Kilgore Texas, Ih20 between Dallas and Shreveport La.Midland/Odessa here!
Weekdays are the most open obviously. but Saturdays there is usually open bays on pistol and open lanes on Area D (which goes anywhere from 600 to 1000 depending on the lane - two end lanes stretch to 1000).How busy is the place? Hard to get a lane to shoot on Saturdays?