Got any good stories from Sturgis?Been riding since the late 60s. dirtbikes then harley knuckle then victory. now victory kingpin tour anniversary. Sturgis in 80s. Mexico twice.Grand times
I always figured that if I went, I'd get a spot at Glencoe or Buffalo Chip.Sturgis was insanity but lots uf fun. You just had to be smart enough to park the scooter! Not sure now if i would go now. My big ride now would be the gulf coast . Taking a putt now has no ride and relax have to be ALERT
Unfortunately, those types are all over the landscape no matter where you live.We have a new breed of bikers around here.
They are "crack heads" and "meth heads".
They range in age from 30's to 60's.
They once had jobs, houses, vehicles and families.
They are now toothless stick figures living in abandoned houses, tents or campers and riding bicycles with backpacks and fishing poles, trespassing on private property to fish all night long while on their "high" and stealing whatever they can carry on a bicycle to fund their next nights adventure.
They are easily recognized and I'm sure they are scattered in other communities as well.