Any Formula 1 fans?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
High Plains
With the last race of the 2021 season and a championship that is tied what do you think the outcome will be in Abu Dhabi?
I recognize Max is great and the future of the sport, but his driving style is dangerous and not very pretty to watch. He seems to have a general lack of concern for others on the track, and I sometimes get the feeling he believes the sport owes him something because of how he complains and whines a lot. I know a lot of drivers do, but he rubs me the wrong way currently and I want him to lose. And not hanging on the podium last weekend was just disrespectful.

I am not a fan of Lewis off the track, but I have pulled for Mercedes since before he was on the team and I think it would be cool to see him own the record outright for number of championships.
Plenty of controversy to that ending. Did not see that coming at all. Guess it will keep all the commentators busy during the offseason.
Plenty of controversy to that ending. Did not see that coming at all. Guess it will keep all the commentators busy during the offseason.
Unfortunately there was a lot of similar controversy throughout the season, and inconsistencies with how interpretations of rules and penalties were awarded with many scenarios and drivers. The FIA will need to tighten this mess up for 2022…back channel comms between teams and race directors shouldn't be allowed to be a 1:1 discussion- other teams should be allowed to listen in and participate to ensure fairness. Just my humble non expert opinion though.
Yeah it's a bit of a shame that it feels like there's gonna be an asterisk associated with the season's final results. And the controversy of this one race will likely overshadow the season-long efforts of the teams and drivers in what I thought was one of the more exciting seasons in quite a while.
I was at a pistol match today so missed out on what happened in the final laps. I watched the race highlights on Formula 1 youtube but don't understand what happened. Can someone clarify?

Also, what happened to Sergio Perez at the end?

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