Heres the skinny on the whole predator thing.
At this very moment the predator prey relationship has never been more out-of-whack, than at any other time in the recordable history of North American Man.
Think about this. The top predators ALWAYS compete for the same food source. So much so that they will go out of there way to kill competing preditors of their own or other species at any available opportunity. More so when food becomes scarce. Man as a top predator has taken this roll and run with it since the early dawn of the human race.
What has changed this in recent history??????
Easy the endagered species act.
Man has been THEE top predator and now we have been restricted from that position.
The diference is Man has always had a certain amount of self control and self preservation, knowing that for long term sustainability we need to conserve the resource. Hunting/gathering evolved into farming both plant and livestock. We learned to manage the resource for long term sustainability.
Top animal predators have NO understanding or comprehension of this and will destroy the prey base and themselves if allowed to. And that is EXACTLY what the ESA and the tree hugging hippies of this country are allowing them to do.
What ****es me off the most is; 99% of sportsmen are a bunch of *******.
Some woman with harry legs and armpits, can climb a **** tree, and live in it for 6 months to save some stupid owl, and a properly bred deer hunter can't grow the balls to pull the trigger on a hybreed, imported, invasive canine.
For Heaven sake lets take back the position of top predator.
At this very moment the predator prey relationship has never been more out-of-whack, than at any other time in the recordable history of North American Man.
Think about this. The top predators ALWAYS compete for the same food source. So much so that they will go out of there way to kill competing preditors of their own or other species at any available opportunity. More so when food becomes scarce. Man as a top predator has taken this roll and run with it since the early dawn of the human race.
What has changed this in recent history??????
Easy the endagered species act.
Man has been THEE top predator and now we have been restricted from that position.
The diference is Man has always had a certain amount of self control and self preservation, knowing that for long term sustainability we need to conserve the resource. Hunting/gathering evolved into farming both plant and livestock. We learned to manage the resource for long term sustainability.
Top animal predators have NO understanding or comprehension of this and will destroy the prey base and themselves if allowed to. And that is EXACTLY what the ESA and the tree hugging hippies of this country are allowing them to do.
What ****es me off the most is; 99% of sportsmen are a bunch of *******.
Some woman with harry legs and armpits, can climb a **** tree, and live in it for 6 months to save some stupid owl, and a properly bred deer hunter can't grow the balls to pull the trigger on a hybreed, imported, invasive canine.
For Heaven sake lets take back the position of top predator.