Alamo Precision Rifles

BS..I asked to the point..Will I have this rifle by November 15th and was told.. OH! sure no problem! That is a specific date that is not a guess! And I really don't give a crap about their shop.
You were not privileged to the conversations and have no idea what you are talking about!
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I don't know if it was a back log when my build kept getting delayed or what, but I had the exact scenario as KyCarl in that when they promised a delivery date for a spring bear hunt, they missed it. They then promised before my elk that in the fall of the same year, missed that one as well.

Maybe it was growing pains or maybe they are just that busy.. great guys just a bad personal experience. I had really high hopes given all the great discussions I had with them
They wanted at least 1/2 down. It was over 4 total so instead of 2 and change
I sent an even 3... still owing 1 plus when it was finished..
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I had one built a couple of years ago. There was a delay waiting for the x-caliber barrel but overall it turned out good. Jewell trigger, graeboe stock, skip flute barrel with a trued remy action. It shoots great.
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