AGS Annealer?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
Australia, Victoria.
G'day all,
Looking at upgrading my annealer, the current one I have is a bit slow for the quantity I am now annealing. Have looked at a few, the Bench Source is what I wanted, but found this AGS unit.
Is anyone here using one?
The only difference I can see is the heating plate on this unit takes inserts of different diameters for larger or smaller cartridges.
It may be faster than my setup now, not sure though.

G'day all,
Looking at upgrading my annealer, the current one I have is a bit slow for the quantity I am now annealing. Have looked at a few, the Bench Source is what I wanted, but found this AGS unit.
Is anyone here using one?
The only difference I can see is the heating plate on this unit takes inserts of different diameters for larger or smaller cartridges.
It may be faster than my setup now, not sure though.

Yes I bought one 5 months ago works great certainly not a bench source but the price is good. The annealer isn't as big as it looks very well built great support from AGS.
Yes I bought one 5 months ago works great certainly not a bench source but the price is good. The annealer isn't as big as it looks very well built great support from AGS.
Thanks for that! I have an Aussie made one that stands upright now, very slow to use as it takes only a dozen cases or so on the feed ramp hopper.
How long does it take you to anneal 100 cases?

I don't own one but I think there is some good info in this video.
The shims he made to hold the flame height and his fix for longer cases could be useful information for you.

My educated opinion so take it as such. When I first wanted an annealer I couldn't bring myself to spend the money on the bench source so I bought a lesser machine. Although the lesser machine was excellent, I still wanted the bench source. So fast forward I sold the cheaper one at a loss and got my bench source. I thoroughly love my bench source! So the old saying buy once cry once is real. I would have ultimately saved money just buying the bench source in the first place. I'm not saying the one mentioned above isn't excellent by any means.
I bought the EP Innovations the other day. A few friends have it and super easy to setup with excellent results and only $280 delivered. Looking forward to getting it. Good luck to the OP with your new tool.
I purchased the Annealeez unit about 8 months ago. Just yesterday I annealed 100 cases. I timed the process at just under12 minutes. With about 5 minutes of setup that included connecting the propane bottle and adjusting the flame and cycle rate. My average rate was 7 seconds per case. Unless you want to pay for the top of the line and go with the AMP, then I don't think you can go wrong with this unit. Loading up the hopper to 50 plus cases is easy, and you can load more as the cases drop from the flame to the provided catch tray. Watch the video on the website and you will see just how easy it is.

I don't own one but I think there is some good info in this video.
The shims he made to hold the flame height and his fix for longer cases could be useful information for you.

is that a can of acetone on the same tabletop as his annealer? pause the video at 7:17