



Great Photos Len. I looked at taxidermy work over there and it was terrible.Ihave 2 friends that are great award winning taxidermist.The lungs on the animals are slightly forward more,this is crucial for bowhunting,and there blood clots 10 times as fast as NA game as part of a survival mechanism,the fine sand makes it clot fast also.You will do fine. I arrowed 21 animals over there on one trip, from small Steinbuck to eland
They were the 225 gr Accubond.
I just read some of your other questions, about mounting and malaria.

If you PH tells you not to worry about Malaria meds, dont get them, some side affects are nasty,you can do with out that.

Mounting your throphys, get them done in your country, oh yeah make sure when they cape the warthog they flesh out the warts!! if they dont your taxidermist will have to use fake ones, you cant tell but, a 10 minute job with a knife would have got my hog to me in a year, it took 4 years and a very ****ed off taxidermist and customer, it cost me more than it should.
The end result is superb, good things take time I suppose :rolleyes:

Any more qustions more than happy to answer, love talking about it!!!


Out of curiosity did you get to recover any of those accubonds or were they complete pass throughs? About the malaria meds that's good to know, according to them we won't be needing them. I suppose the PH is right because he goes to and from Africa all the time. Matter a fact he was in Texas last month. So the cape should come of with warts and all? I'm not quite sure I understand that lol. But at least you got a good mount! Lol
Great Photos Len. I looked at taxidermy work over there and it was terrible.Ihave 2 friends that are great award winning taxidermist.The lungs on the animals are slightly forward more,this is crucial for bowhunting,and there blood clots 10 times as fast as NA game as part of a survival mechanism,the fine sand makes it clot fast also.You will do fine. I arrowed 21 animals over there on one trip, from small Steinbuck to eland

I am tempted to take my bow. The PH said that they have several bow hunting spots and that we can make any arrangements for extra kills while we are there :D
I'm sure you have to use a heavy bow, arrows, and broadheads right?
Out of curiosity did you get to recover any of those accubonds or were they complete pass throughs? About the malaria meds that's good to know, according to them we won't be needing them. I suppose the PH is right because he goes to and from Africa all the time. Matter a fact he was in Texas last month. So the cape should come of with warts and all? I'm not quite sure I understand that lol. But at least you got a good mount! Lol

The longer range ones were pass throughs, but still killed them.
The closer ones bullets were recovered, generally under hide on other side, Zebra one was perfect mushroom @ 200 yrds, but it was finished off at about 5 yrds full charge in tight spikey scrub with a 458 Lott,Big Stallion perfect shoulder shot mechanically screwed , double lunged it,frothing blood, the works yeah he wasnt happy!!!
BUT wasnt as scary as bumping into a Momma Rino with new born calf!!!! she was less than impressed!! Thankfully Rinos cant run on ****!:D(hope you get the joke)

Yeah African animals are tough man!!

If you can get a Baboon and a Blackback jackel (thats one in Lens pics with the Zebra carcass) they make a cool flat skin and the baboon skull are wicked looking with their massive teeth.(just check CITES about bring that into the US first though,I could only bring one into NZ,being a primate)

Yes the warts come off with the cape, they a hard grissle type stuff inside,Males have 4 warts,female 2, they should cut all that stuff out and turn them inside out, bit like a finger on a glove.

The longer range ones were pass throughs, but still killed them.
The closer ones bullets were recovered, generally under hide on other side, Zebra one was perfect mushroom @ 200 yrds, but it was finished off at about 5 yrds full charge in tight spikey scrub with a 458 Lott,Big Stallion perfect shoulder shot mechanically screwed , double lunged it,frothing blood, the works yeah he wasnt happy!!!
BUT wasnt as scary as bumping into a Momma Rino with new born calf!!!! she was less than impressed!! Thankfully Rinos cant run on ****!:D(hope you get the joke)

Yeah African animals are tough man!!

If you can get a Baboon and a Blackback jackel (thats one in Lens pics with the Zebra carcass) they make a cool flat skin and the baboon skull are wicked looking with their massive teeth.(just check CITES about bring that into the US first though,I could only bring one into NZ,being a primate)

Yes the warts come off with the cape, they a hard grissle type stuff inside,Males have 4 warts,female 2, they should cut all that stuff out and turn them inside out, bit like a finger on a glove.


Yeah I get it! LOL too funny! A baboon or jackel would be sweet. I recovered my accubond 140gr out of my 270wsm from a deer last year. The mushroom looks perfect I love how it looks. It sits on my desk by my computer. I've always wondered about the bullet recovery at shorter distances and complete pass throughs at longer distances? I shot a mule deer through both shoulders a couple years ago in New Mexico with the same bullet, blew through both sides hit bone and all. Last year it was a little over 200 yards on a smaller animal and it lodged right under the skin on the opposite shoulder. I would imagine it would blow through at a faster velocity lol craziness

Thanks, I used a Nikon D2X and a 60pmm f4.0 lens. You'll do fine since you can crop to get a closer viewpoint in your images.
You asked about the form 4457. It is so you can bring your rifle BACK into the USA. It essentially establishes ownership of that particular weapon, optics etc. Anything of higher value. Customs can levy taxes on items brought back into the US when bought overseas if over I believe its $750 total. If it is on the 4457 then you have proof you took it over with you.
As you enter RSA they will ask for the 4457 there. It is a simple form to get. It must be filled out by a US customs agent. I'm in Wy and there is only one in the state. I faxed him the gun info. Make, model, caliber, and serial number. He filled out the form and mailed it to me. No fees to pay.
If you don't do it you will have a lot of trouble. Do it this week.
About a taxidermist. When done in Africa it is usually cheaper for the work. Some are very good. In a bigger shop they may have one guy that only does 1-3 species of animal and becomes very proficient with those. The downside is that it costs more to ship them back. Shipping charges are usually done by the size of the carton. Skins and horns are much smaller boxes than finished mounts. Also if you have a problem, like a ear broken off how do you get that fixed? Many times the work is rather mediocre.
If you use a US taxidermist then they will hold the skins at least 60 days. They then do a disinfectant dip package them up and ship them to the US. This is commonly called dip and ship. Its a good idea to know who you are going to use before you go. Your PH will often take you to see a taxidermist. I believe they get a fee for any who use the services they recommend.
You should also look into the importation costs and forms. I have used Coppersmith to do it for me. You can do the paperwork and arrange shipping yourself, but it is far easier for them to do it for you. Any screw ups on the forms can cause the animals to be seized by the USFW. Hard to get them back. For a few hundred $ I prefer to use the service. They know how to do it all correctly.
If you don't have a taxidermist in mind message me and I'll send you info on mine. He does good work. He is not award winning, but he cost half of what many charge. Had a Mule deer done a couple tears ago. $350. In my area I don't think anyone was less than $450. He also lives within driving distance of the Atlanta airport. He can pick them up and save the shipping charges. Hope this all makes sense to you. Bruce
Hi 7mmRemMag
I live and hunt here is South Africa so if you have any questions you are welkom to ask me for a second opinion.
Your 7mmRemMag with the accubond would work perfectly! A lot of the hunters here use the accubonds. I looked at the map of the area you would be hunting and that is some of the best hunting areas in South Africa and would fall under Bushveld area and the norm is "short shots" under 200 meters most likely under 100 meters. I'm not sure how you would be hunting but mostly walk and stalk is the norm here.
Black back jackel is a huge varmint problem here, it is so bad in places that the farmers have sold all of there sheep and onley farm with cattle. Most of the time while hunting the farm owners would be gratefull if you cull the jackel or baboons as both are pests and have killed a lot and never paid for one.
As I said you are more than welkom to ask any questions that you are wondering about.
You asked about the form 4457. It is so you can bring your rifle BACK into the USA. It essentially establishes ownership of that particular weapon, optics etc. Anything of higher value. Customs can levy taxes on items brought back into the US when bought overseas if over I believe its $750 total. If it is on the 4457 then you have proof you took it over with you.
As you enter RSA they will ask for the 4457 there. It is a simple form to get. It must be filled out by a US customs agent. I'm in Wy and there is only one in the state. I faxed him the gun info. Make, model, caliber, and serial number. He filled out the form and mailed it to me. No fees to pay.
If you don't do it you will have a lot of trouble. Do it this week.
About a taxidermist. When done in Africa it is usually cheaper for the work. Some are very good. In a bigger shop they may have one guy that only does 1-3 species of animal and becomes very proficient with those. The downside is that it costs more to ship them back. Shipping charges are usually done by the size of the carton. Skins and horns are much smaller boxes than finished mounts. Also if you have a problem, like a ear broken off how do you get that fixed? Many times the work is rather mediocre.
If you use a US taxidermist then they will hold the skins at least 60 days. They then do a disinfectant dip package them up and ship them to the US. This is commonly called dip and ship. Its a good idea to know who you are going to use before you go. Your PH will often take you to see a taxidermist. I believe they get a fee for any who use the services they recommend.
You should also look into the importation costs and forms. I have used Coppersmith to do it for me. You can do the paperwork and arrange shipping yourself, but it is far easier for them to do it for you. Any screw ups on the forms can cause the animals to be seized by the USFW. Hard to get them back. For a few hundred $ I prefer to use the service. They know how to do it all correctly.
If you don't have a taxidermist in mind message me and I'll send you info on mine. He does good work. He is not award winning, but he cost half of what many charge. Had a Mule deer done a couple tears ago. $350. In my area I don't think anyone was less than $450. He also lives within driving distance of the Atlanta airport. He can pick them up and save the shipping charges. Hope this all makes sense to you. Bruce

Oh ok thanks for the info. I live here are the border of Texas and Mexico and just found out through my cousin who is a US Customs agent that I can take my equipment down to the station and they will fill everything out with me. Its just a few minute drive downtown. Thanks for your help
Hi 7mmRemMag
I live and hunt here is South Africa so if you have any questions you are welkom to ask me for a second opinion.
Your 7mmRemMag with the accubond would work perfectly! A lot of the hunters here use the accubonds. I looked at the map of the area you would be hunting and that is some of the best hunting areas in South Africa and would fall under Bushveld area and the norm is "short shots" under 200 meters most likely under 100 meters. I'm not sure how you would be hunting but mostly walk and stalk is the norm here.
Black back jackel is a huge varmint problem here, it is so bad in places that the farmers have sold all of there sheep and onley farm with cattle. Most of the time while hunting the farm owners would be gratefull if you cull the jackel or baboons as both are pests and have killed a lot and never paid for one.
As I said you are more than welkom to ask any questions that you are wondering about.

Thank you for your help. So how will the weather be like in September in Africa? and is it true that I don't have to worry about Mosquitoes carrying malaria in that particular area of South Africa? and it would be cool to meet some locals in the area who would like to have some Jackels and Baboons culled for free! Lol
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