ADG Dimpling at the shoulder after resizing 🤔

I dont see how it could be doing that to the brass if your not bumping shoulders without there being air or lube between the die and case shoulder.
I guess I'm a little puzzled due it being so random. If there was to much sizing lube it would be a continual thing happening on everyone from the start of excessive build up. That is not the case and it's rather random
On once fired cases you should be using very,very little lube from about half way up the case to nothing at the top of the shoulder. The base is were I use a touch more, the die wipes it up the die which causes excessive lube build up at the shoulder of the die.
I switched to imperial on the case body and the redding graphite lube for the necks, nothing ever gets put on the shoulders. Seems like most people agree it's a lube or air issue. I would rule out vent hole since it's not every case. The only variable would be the amount of lube applied since you stated every other step is done the same for each piece.
So it appears it's the 2.57 to 2.59 difference in length of brass I have my dies set up to. Not enough wiggle room on the brass that's 2.59 in length.
So the end of the neck is hitting in the die (expander assembly)?
Those of course need to be trimmed back to your loading manual length, regardless, so you have uniform brass.
So it appears it's the 2.57 to 2.59 difference in length of brass I have my dies set up to. Not enough wiggle room on the brass that's 2.59 in length.
I seriously doubt it. If the case was too long and the end of the case mouth was hitting the die it would easily push the neck down by flexing the shoulders. You have a classic lube dent IMO.

And as far as random - that's that way lube dents appear, randomly. Unless, of course, you are waaayyy overdoing it on all the cases.
This has happened to me with Hornady brass and to my neighbor with his Lapua brass. Both of us resolved the issue by cleaning the dies with alcohol and using less Imperial wax. Shoot the dented brass to pop out the dent.
If your dies are Redding, they do not have a vent hole and the lube accumulates on the shoulder of the die. My 375 Weatherby FL die is notorious for leaving 8 dents around the radius shoulder if I lube every case. I have to skip cases to prevent the dents.
This die also has to be cleaned after every use with methylated spirits otherwise the lube builds up too much.
I even switched from wax to RCBS case lube to see if the problem went away…made it worse and I had to lube 5 cases on the pad, then size a lubed case, size 2 cases with no lube, then size a lubed case and so on and so forth.
Do not know why Redding do not use a vent hole, life would be easier with one.

Do not know why Redding do not use a vent hole, life would be easier with one.

I have dozens of Redding dies and have never seen the need for a vent hole. I only rarely see a lube dent and its always caused by me overdoing the lube.

FWIW - I do not clean my dies. Maybe I should but I haven't experienced any problems that would prompt me to do so. They have been carefully adjusted and I'd hate to pull them apart for cleaning. Maybe I've just been lucky.
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