Absolutely hammah time

I tried four different powders & every seating depth. Nothing worked for me. I got an honest 100fps gain in velocity, without the accuracy. As I stated very frustrating considering the fantastic accuracy I got with the Hammers.
That sux, my friend . I dont guess there is such a thing as the perfect bullet that works for every caliber in every rifle . Lot of work and expense to do all that testing though. Just not enough bearing surface for your tube, i guess ?
Keep in mind I tried this in two 6.5 rifles ( 1/8 ) twist that have proved to be very accurate with Hammer Hunters , Badlands mono & Nosler AB. One rifle is a factory 260 while the 264 wears a custom stainless Bbl. So guess I will stick with what has worked. I took my elk last season with one of these rifles using the Hammer Hunter . A mature elk at about 80 yds with complete penetration with the 121 gr Hunter of both front shoulders, with a DRT. Could not ask for better performance .
Keep in mind I tried this in two 6.5 rifles ( 1/8 ) twist that have proved to be very accurate with Hammer Hunters , Badlands mono & Nosler AB. One rifle is a factory 260 while the 264 wears a custom stainless Bbl. So guess I will stick with what has worked. I took my elk last season with one of these rifles using the Hammer Hunter . A mature elk at about 80 yds with complete penetration with the 121 gr Hunter of both front shoulders, with a DRT. Could not ask for better performance .
Hey, if it aint broke ............
Have you tried a crimp yet I have heard it is helping in some cases I just run a little more neck tension with these bullets
I ordered a lee crimp die just for that reason . Im shooting them in an AR , so crimping is probably a good idea anyway. Not that im gonna be ripping 20 round mags off with the hammers anyway, but nice to have the crimp for insurance, and the extra bite on the case for more consistent pressure on ignition too
You will want that crimp on the ar. My 99gr I used a bushing style and it wasn't quite enough. I do the lee collet now and it's seemed to help. I'm not gonna loose faith in the absolute yet as Ed has shot them with very good results. So I'll give them a run. But if they don't the good ole hunters will be fine.
I'm looking for good data in my Grendel as well. I loaded some 109 absolutes up but was disappointed with the velocity. I have a 20" Bartlein 5R tube and I was only getting mid 2400fps from them. They were very accurate and I'm hoping that is the low velocity node.
I loaded using AR Comp powder and CCI 450 primers. I forgot Steve said to use a faster powder but before I do experimenting I'm hoping to get some feedback from him. I emailed him through his website last week but have not heard back.
This is my 5 round group. Disregard the flyer.


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I'm looking for good data in my Grendel as well. I loaded some 109 absolutes up but was disappointed with the velocity. I have a 20" Bartlein 5R tube and I was only getting mid 2400fps from them. They were very accurate and I'm hoping that is the low velocity node.
I loaded using AR Comp powder and CCI 450 primers. I forgot Steve said to use a faster powder but before I do experimenting I'm hoping to get some feedback from him. I emailed him through his website last week but have not heard back.
This is my 5 round group. Disregard the flyer.
Yea, its my understanding its important to crimp them and run a faster powder . I bought h322 because thats all i found when i decided to jump into loading for the grendel . Its about the fastest powder that is a regular recommendation in the load data ive seen . I imagine you would have to go a rate or two over that to be ideal with the AHs . Just speculation , DO NOT TAKE MY WORD ON THAT !
I expect the h322 will work ok with the 99HHs that are in route to me. I hope anyway. With the way things are looking, we might have to settle for what is available for a while :( .
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