Throwing more money at a corrupt government
Throwing more money at a corrupt government has never fixed a thing . Poor tax dollar management is why we have to raise taxes in the first place. I will never be in support of higher taxes until the government quits pouring my dollars down some toilet . You will never fix the system till you hold the system accountable for the dollars we pay in taxes. The money was already there . To really fix the issues, we need to clean house , impose term limits on government officials , and outlaw special interest groups contributions. We don't need a new system, just need to run the one we have properly.I wholeheartedly agree that bureaucracies can become self-perpetuating monolithic pseudo-governments that require serious oversight, but I can not agree that gross wealth inequity is the solution to our national problems. Taxes are required for any civilized society to function. The question, as always, is who pays and how much? In the current period of gross wealth inequality it makes sense that wealthy individuals who've benefitted most from the system should put the most back into it. And there's the rub, their power, political influence, and purposeful economic decisions have pushed that burden onto average wage earners whose individual lives are most affected by inflation. So, rising prices translate to unhappy voters which usually results in a change in political parties in the next election. Never mind whether or not it's big, the bottom line is that big business doesn't like government that calls for raising taxes, or in anyway interfering with what big business desires to do.