7mm Rem Mag 175gr ABLR at 2,815 fps.....should I be happy with this?

With a velocity of 2,815fps that is. I'm using a 26" 1:8 Criterion barrel, and I am loading with 63.5 gr of RL23 behind my 175 gr ABLR bullet. Federal 215 Match Primers. It is pretty mild recoiling, plus usually touches rounds at 100yds unless my hold is off. Extreme velocity spread is only 4fps!

Of course I am happy to get an accurate load but I have to say that I does bother me when I see guys here getting over 3,000fps with 180gr bullets. I do realize that and extra 175fps isn't going to make a difference on any game animal but it bothers me non the less. I have 200 loaded up with good Norma Brass.

What are your thoughts on this....am I overthinking velocity?
Speed is not everything. If your load is accurate, shoot it. Iam getting 2898 fps with 168 grain Berger in my 7mmg mag with 24" barrel with 70 grains of retumbo. Deadly and accurate. Start at 65 and work up watching for pressure signs. All barrels and chambers are different thus producing different velocities with identical load data.
I would shoot the bullets u have. Quality components and accurate.
With a velocity of 2,815fps that is. I'm using a 26" 1:8 Criterion barrel, and I am loading with 63.5 gr of RL23 behind my 175 gr ABLR bullet. Federal 215 Match Primers. It is pretty mild recoiling, plus usually touches rounds at 100yds unless my hold is off. Extreme velocity spread is only 4fps!

Of course I am happy to get an accurate load but I have to say that I does bother me when I see guys here getting over 3,000fps with 180gr bullets. I do realize that and extra 175fps isn't going to make a difference on any game animal but it bothers me non the less. I have 200 loaded up with good Norma Brass.

What are your thoughts on this....am I overthinking velocity?
Over thinking! What's your Barrel length vs others .....could be the difference... just a thought....but why change or chase something that works
My personal opinion is that I would not be happy with that velocity. You are basically getting 280 AI velocity, not 7RM. It all comes down to your choice of powder. Personally I would not choose to handicap a cartridge with a sub-optimal powder. If I wanted 280 AI velocity, I would build a 280 AI.

To me, optimizing the performance of a given cartridge/bullet combo is part of the fun.

All of that being said, an animal will never know the difference. If you aren't an OCD reloader like me, then call it good and go shoot.

Edited to add: to give you a data point on how much performance you are leaving on the table, I shoot Berger 180s with N570 right around 3000 out of a 27" barrel. This is not a hot load in ADG brass.

Not disputing your facts but if you're getting 3000 with a 180 in a 280AI, your rifle is an outlier. 2600-2700 is more in the range of that cartridge with that bullet. As far as not a hot load? By what standards? How many rounds before loose primer pockets? 570 is a single base powder and in large magnum cartridges usually gives up velocity versus the Reloder line of powders.
With a velocity of 2,815fps that is. I'm using a 26" 1:8 Criterion barrel, and I am loading with 63.5 gr of RL23 behind my 175 gr ABLR bullet. Federal 215 Match Primers. It is pretty mild recoiling, plus usually touches rounds at 100yds unless my hold is off. Extreme velocity spread is only 4fps!

Of course I am happy to get an accurate load but I have to say that I does bother me when I see guys here getting over 3,000fps with 180gr bullets. I do realize that and extra 175fps isn't going to make a difference on any game animal but it bothers me non the less. I have 200 loaded up with good Norma Brass.

What are your thoughts on this....am I overthinking velocity?
Maximum loads in the 7mm Rem Mag in the Speer, Lee and Hodgden's manual show 2900, 2950 and 2900 range respectively as a maximum velocity from a 24 inch barrel with the most effecient powders listed. Keep in mind that some of the shooters of this round use 26 in. barrels, which give a 70 to 100 fps boost in velocity. So your velocity is about right, since the Alliant manual gives a maximum charge of 63.8 grains with a 175 grain bullet in RL23. The Lee manual doesn't even list this powder with the 175 grain bullet. The speer manual lists it with the 175 grandslam, but at a max charge of 61.8gr. and a max velocity (24" bbl) of 2800 or so velocity. Also keep in mind that these velocities are attained in test barrels, and will vary when using commercial barrels, sometimes by over 100fps. If you're getting good accuracy, and can make good hits out to your personal maximum distance, an extra 100fps or so isn't necessary in my opinion, but if you do want more, you'll need to go to a different powder, I think.
Sorry for the delay fellas!! Just woke up LOL.

Yes its 63.5gr of RL23

I realize that I have a very accurate load and with a 4fps extreme spread with is incredible. I know that I can try a slower power and probably get some more velocity BUT the point of me posting essentially is, "Is 2,815 a pathetically slow load with a 175gr bullet out of a 7mm Rem Mag?"

Even though it's accurate, would you guys be satisfied with 2,815fps?

Picking your brains here;)
Short answer is yes. Speed is great, accuracy is better.
Not disputing your facts but if you're getting 3000 with a 180 in a 280AI, your rifle is an outlier. 2600-2700 is more in the range of that cartridge with that bullet. As far as not a hot load? By what standards? How many rounds before loose primer pockets? 570 is a single base powder and in large magnum cartridges usually gives up velocity versus the Reloder line of powders.

I'm shooting 7RM, not 280AI. 27" barrel, custom throat.
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