Velocity Question for 7mm Rem Mag 175gr at 2,815fps

OP, don't touch a thing. I have a 7mil wildcat that pushes a 175gr right at 2800fps. Its accurate, its light on recoil, and i can shoot it all day long. Took a deer at 804 with it and didn't go more then 10 feet. "Speed is fine, accuracy is final" i stole the quote but its true. Personally, being able to shoot a load all day long and getting the trigger time and hits is more important to me then an extra 200 fps, the deer is not going to know the difference but your shoulder will. Just my 0.02.

Happy shooting.
Hello Fellas,

I worked up a wickedly accurate load (63.5gr RL23) for my 7mm Rem Mag using 175gr Accubond LR's at an average velocity of 2,815fps. Its a Remage Action with a 26" long 1:8" Criterion barrel and Vias muzzle break.

I know the story, "If it's shooting good then 200fps faster won't make a difference" but when I read about some guys here getting 3,000fps+ with 180 and even 195gr bullets, I wonder if I'm not pushing the load hard enough and/or getting the full potential out of my setup.

What do you all think?

How much does an extra 200fps matter?

Have at it;)[/

What are you getting for an e.s.? Energy wise, 2815 FPS with and 175 gr pill should be plenty good for about anything inside 500 yards and then some. Once you start getting outside of that a wide e.s. will begin to create accuracy issues. I'd recommend stretching out your target to where you'd call your max range and see how they group there. If you've achieved an excellent grouping load at 100 and you are getting a low e.s. then it should maintain a nice grouping farther out. If so, and the bullet is still within its velocity window, then there's no reason to touch it. If it's a big spread then you could work up to the next accuracy node and check e.s.
What are you getting for an e.s.? Energy wise, 2815 FPS with and 175 gr pill should be plenty good for about anything inside 500 yards and then some. Once you start getting outside of that a wide e.s. will begin to create accuracy issues. I'd recommend stretching out your target to where you'd call your max range and see how they group there. If you've achieved an excellent grouping load at 100 and you are getting a low e.s. then it should maintain a nice grouping farther out. If so, and the bullet is still within its velocity window, then there's no reason to touch it. If it's a big spread then you could work up to the next accuracy node and check e.s.
What are you getting for an e.s.? Energy wise, 2815 FPS with and 175 gr pill should be plenty good for about anything inside 500 yards and then some. Once you start getting outside of that a wide e.s. will begin to create accuracy issues. I'd recommend stretching out your target to where you'd call your max range and see how they group there. If you've achieved an excellent grouping load at 100 and you are getting a low e.s. then it should maintain a nice grouping farther out. If so, and the bullet is still within its velocity window, then there's no reason to touch it. If it's a big spread then you could work up to the next accuracy node and check e.s.

Good point. Another reason that I am reluctant to change the load is that I chrono'd 15 rounds and the es was only 6fps
Good point. Another reason that I am reluctant to change the load is that I chrono'd 15 rounds and the es was only 6fps

If that's the case then I wouldn't mess with it. A single digit es and good grouping load will more than make up for the velocity issue. I would still say that's not that low of a velocity anyway with 175's out of a 7RM.
I seen your post on the ABLR zebra!
That Is why I am going to give them a try in my 6.5cm and possibly my buddy's 7. And anything else I work up if they are not to finicky.
I had a ELDx just completely disintegrate on the shoulder of a smallish Wt. Tail buck last year.
90 yard Frontal Shot was angled more than I could tell, interred in front of chest angled across and hit left shoulder from inside going out with NO EXIT and just little tiny fragments of bullet left!! Deer travelled over 100 yrds.
Time for a change.... if that would have been an elk.... who knows if I would have found him
Good point. Another reason that I am reluctant to change the load is that I chrono'd 15 rounds and the es was only 6fps

Don't touch that load. "Velocity" is all we talk about, but "accuracy " is all we care about.
I have a 7 mag which was custom built by Best Of The West in Cody. The load is shooting flys off the target at 2911 fps. The turret is burned out to 1200 yds. Like you, I am shooting 180 gr Berger VLD's. I have NO desire to get more velocity out of that gun. The set up is going to be quite deadly at distance and the animal is not going to tell the difference between 2900fps and 3000fps.
I suggest you buy the Strelok or Shooter app. Input your data for your load, look at the velocity you will be getting at your longest distance ( 500 yds.), then research ( from the bullet manufacturer) what the minimal velocity is for the bullet to achieve performance. This will set your mind at ease. Enjoy your gun. Shoot a lot. Perfect your skills. Velocity is toward the bottom of the priority list.
I feel your pain brother. My semi custom 7RM is slow too (I get the same velocities as you) but at least it shoots really big groups!
LONGER BARREL LIFE! I LOOKED, couldn't find a comment, but like an engine, a barrel will only take soo much fuel through it before its worn out. A LOT for a short time, or less for a longer time. Technically- MANY are envious of your grouping! LEAVE IT ALONE!
Hello Fellas,

I worked up a wickedly accurate load (63.5gr RL23) for my 7mm Rem Mag using 175gr Accubond LR's at an average velocity of 2,815fps. Its a Remage Action with a 26" long 1:8" Criterion barrel and Vias muzzle break.

I know the story, "If it's shooting good then 200fps faster won't make a difference" but when I read about some guys here getting 3,000fps+ with 180 and even 195gr bullets, I wonder if I'm not pushing the load hard enough and/or getting the full potential out of my setup.

What do you all think?

How much does an extra 200fps matter?

Have at it;)


  • 7mm Mag RL 23 175 Elites.pdf
    330.9 KB · Views: 131
Your not far off the max of that powder. I wouldn't touch it. Especially if its accurate.

7mm Mag RL 23 175 Elites.jpg
Often times we get stuck on one powder because we get such great accuracy with it.I'd play with different powders if you want more velocity.I went through my notes.I have one 7mag with a 24" barrel.I had a really accurate load with 175gr bullet using 63.0 grs of Reloader 22 @2830fps.I went up to 64.0grs @ 2860fps.The 63.0gr load was just a little tighter,nearly a one hole group.I bet If I used Reloader 26,starting at 64.0grs and working up from there,probably around 65.0grs or 65.5grs,I bet I could find another great load that's close to 2950-3000fps range.
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