7mm-300 Win Mag "7MM-WESTER"

All in all, the shape of the neck has little to do with the performance of a cartridge.
The Wby, double radius isnt much other than their way of separating the look of their cartridge from others.
Bruce Baer uses 340 WBY brass for his 284 Baer as well as his 308 Baer.
But as i recall the shoulder is changed to a standard taper.
Ask his opinion and he probably wont give one, letting you make the call.
I do have a shoulder prefit 7mm-300 win mag for arc actions I don't have any use for anymore. I also have a barrel nut savage big bull barrel in same caliber no use for
All great concepts, but I have tinkered enough to know that the 7STW in the correct length action of 3.850" is bounds ahead of any of these but the RUM or my own wildcats based off Improved full length 416 Rigby brass, it requires a single shot unless you go to one of the huge actions available, but single shot conversion suits me perfectly.
Anything that can propel heavy for calibre, say 195g 7mm bullets above 3200fps gets my vote..
Apologies for my recent link share without an explanation. I had been trying to share it in response to other comments and had technical issues.
It is a link to information from an NZ "researcher" who has a lot of practical experience with many different cartridges. I thought some may be interested. Really enjoying the thread.
Ironically, although I love both of my 7STW barrels, I have an absolute passion for my 7-08 I use in mid-range F-class alongside my 6.5x47 in very windy conditions.
Looked at several of the wildcats with massive following, but after doing the 7-08, I was so happy with it's performance, I didn't think twice about my decision.

Ironically, although I love both of my 7STW barrels, I have an absolute passion for my 7-08 I use in mid-range F-class alongside my 6.5x47 in very windy conditions.
Looked at several of the wildcats with massive following, but after doing the 7-08, I was so happy with it's performance, I didn't think twice about my decision.

Out of interest which projectile are you using? I have a 7-08 and a mate is keen for me to join him on the F Class range.
I had Kenny build me a 284 Jarrett 15 or so years ago for my Canadian rifle and it's perfect.Fast,accurate and I can use a Kwik Klip to unload whenever you get in the vehicle.
I'm certain the Jarrett uses an inner Radius like the Weatherby, this is how we can hide the Donut. The goal is to press the Die down just far enough for the Donut to reside there. No neck turn. Brass manipulation is kind of Black magic. The Weatherby Die is only necessary to form the Brass, the reamer can have a conventional outer shoulder design, but then you would require a custom Die Set like the Jarrett. How many firings can you get away without a Donut is anyone's guess. This is only the first step in this idea and like it's been said others have done this in the past. Hopefully, they can chime in with experience.
I run either the Berger VLD 168g Hunter, or the Berger 180g Hybrid Target. Both using 760 powder, the other option with a little less precision in both is H4350.
Berger can provide data, which is how I obtained mine.
My rifle is a genuine .2-.5MoA averaging over an aggregate of .2MoA for 40 rounds @ 300metres. My 260AI is 3/8MoA, my 6.5x47 is less than .2MoA, but not in the wind and my 7-08 with custom match chamber and throat is right @ .2MoA in almost all conditions. My big cartridges, 264WM, 7STW & 300WM all run .5MoA or better in wind.
Only precision rifles are interesting to me, even still, my 416 Rigby Improved cartridges in .30, .33 & 37 all run 3/8-1/4 MoA, but only with HBN coated solid brass CNC custom bullets, with jacketed lead, even ABLR, I can't get better than 1/2-3/4MoA and Barnes LRX bullets have proved temperamental for me.
