7mm-300 Win Mag "7MM-WESTER"

I run a 7mm Practical quite a bit. Pushing 162 ELD-M's at 3225 fps it's crazy accurate. I've shot 168/180gr vld's with great results as well. I had trouble keeping primer pockets tight past 4 loads. I switched to ADG and no more problems.
Ironically, although I love both of my 7STW barrels, I have an absolute passion for my 7-08 I use in mid-range F-class alongside my 6.5x47 in very windy conditions.
Looked at several of the wildcats with massive following, but after doing the 7-08, I was so happy with it's performance, I didn't think twice about my decision.

And this is how the barrels of the larger powder burning cartridges can last for a lifetime.
No need to be practicing with them by shooting at things like rocks on hillsides when there are other good options.
A 308 or a 7/08 are good examples of them.
Especially for recoil shy and younger shooters.
The vast majority of animals killed at long range are much less than a thousand yards anyway.

As for your prior comment about proper action length for the larger cartridges.
A 40X REM. at least used to be built on a short length single shot action.
Yet ive been using one for a 7x300 wby since the mid 70s.
Sometime open the bolt fully on a short action and look at the space between the face of the bolt and the loading port.
Then ask why some of that cant be removed.
Robert at Alamo Precision Rifles has a reamer for a 7-300 WM Improved he was playing with a few years back. It was a hotrod as expected with the added bennifits of an improved case.

My only question is other than needing an ultra mag action why not build a 28 nosler?Hot rod performance and although poorly marketed the nosler case when properly throated is a great design.
Quite interesting, I remember way back, probably the 1980s or late 70s reading of a company that necked the 300Win down to 7mm. There was an article in one of the magazines, can't find anything on it now but I do remember the chambering (cartridge) and it was called the 7mm-300(0) Apollo.
What I also find quite interesting is the search to push the limits of everything(and yes I am guilty too). But looking at things honestly most of the performance we enjoy nowadays is because of high bc bullets along with properly chambered barrels with adequate twist. There is always the added recoil when you push for speed. The basic formula of a given pressure for a certain duration in a given bore = given velocity.. really doesn't change, basic physics.
I think back through the years, there were so many chamberings that were all the rave but are now obsolete. Going back only 20yrs I can remember the WSSM lineup, all the magazines were touting the performance and how great they were. They along with most of the parent line up of WSM are now gone. I still have brass and a set of Redding .25 WSSM dies laying around in the basement..money dump was all that endeavor was for me.
Just think back in the day, a time I came up in, most hunters had maybe 2 rifles they hunted with their whole life, and a lot of those were the trusty ole "06, or .308 and the other a .22 rimfire or a varmint rig.
I guess part of the objective is really to keep the arms makers in business. And for we enthusiasts once we master something it's on to something different, just human nature.
Robert at Alamo Precision Rifles has a reamer for a 7-300 WM Improved he was playing with a few years back. It was a hotrod as expected with the added bennifits of an improved case.

My only question is other than needing an ultra mag action why not build a 28 nosler?Hot rod performance and although poorly marketed the nosler case when properly throated is a great design.

For some folks, like me, it's a brass availability deal. I have a few friends that shoot 300 win mags and only use factory ammo. They give me their once fired Winchester brass. When I built my first 7-300 win mag, the 28 nosler wasn't even an idea. It's a good round and because I push 162's to 3200+ I've never had to worry about the neck donut issue because primer pockets are toast after about 5 firings
There are plenty of versions of the 7mm-300 out there.

I did my version 7 or so years ago.

7.21 Sage.

Minimum case taper, 35 degree shoulder. Great velocity. Kills Mule deer dead ☠️ out to 847 yards so far.
