I was thinking of having a machine shop just make me a aluminum block that fits into the Wheeler Barrel vice that also matches the Remington sporter barrel contour. I was puzzled why the pin rosin method didn't work for me so I looked at other rosins and will try that next time. Or just bite the bullet and get the Brownells Barrel vice.
From time to time, I have used a custom barrel vice block made of devcon epoxy steel. You have to make a cardboard (or whatever) mold to hold the epoxy, and you need to build in a double separation divider to facilitate splitting of the resulting block after it hardens. But the result is a barrel vice block that precisely fits the subject barrel which significantly improves the clamping friction for unusual barrel contours. I recall seeing one of the vice makers (wheeler, Brownell, etc) recommend this and they also have instructions.
I have also made custom wooden clamping blocks from time to time. They are much easier to make than having a custom block made at a machine shop. Oak works very well if cut so that the grain runs perpendicular to the barrel axis. It's easy to Hog a hole out with a course and then fine rasp until it fits and then just cut it in half. The saw cut provides crush space.