7 Saum 162gr ELD-X H1000 and H4831sc

I made it to the range and was able to shoot the 7 SAUM. Sorry for such a long time between updates. I loaded up 20 rounds, and shot them all over my chronograph at 100 yards (furthest I could shoot at the range I went to) this Saturday. I had one flyer, but over all a decent group for the wind that day. The rifle and round are capable of .375" groups (my best so far), but this day at the range was more for getting an average fps reading for building my dope card. After 20 rounds, I averaged 2956 fps, with an ES of 13 fps, and a SD of 6 fps. I couldn't be more please with the results. I ended up landing on 58.5 grains of H4831 SC, 162 ELDX bullets, and .020" off the lands. My max powder weight ended up being 59.5 grains of powder, at 3000 fps.
What brass were you using?