Read Jerry Teo's article "Long Range Rifle on a Budget". If you want to do it yourself, and can get Savage actions/donor rifles in Oz it makes a very satisfying project. I am working on one myself in 280 Ackley, and plan to use Berger 168VLDs for load development. I run the 180 in a 7Rem Mag at 2905fps in a 9 twist, and am using the same twist for the new rifle, expecting mid to high 2800s with the 168. For your chosen 7mm/08 case, I think I would stay with the 168 rather than the 180 unless you get a faster twist barrel. Savages can be had in left hand configuration and all the major parts are easy to work with in a basic home workshop. The stock in the photos is a Boyd's Tacticool, which I have bedded using pillars between action and bottom-metal. Right now I am still shooting the original factory 30-06 barrel, awaiting the arrival of the custom tube.