I am not saying that a 6mm bullet is not effective for elk. I am saying that I would not use the shoulder shot with a 6cm unless at close range with the correct bullet but I wouldn't be carrying a 6cm elk hunting in the first place.Genuinely curious, what evidence leads you to say you would not? Is it based on seeing it not work?
There's guys reliably punching through moose shoulders (blades and knuckles) with 77, 80, and 88 grain .223 and .22CM's.
What evidence would it take to convince you that a good 6mm bullet is an effective elk killer?
I prefer a little bigger and heavier bullet for elk. I use a 280 AI with 160 accubond.
The 6 creedmoor will kill elk but I think it's a less than ideal elk cartridge. Just my opinion and everyone has one.